Chapter 5- darlin'

Start from the beginning

I just wanna crash my lips against her soft plump lips.

"But you already asked Steph and now me that's" she looks everywhere but at me. Then adding "weird"

For fucks sake!

"C'mon" I tell her walking out the café, she silently followed me. We made it to my car.

"She's not gonna be mad Camila" I try to assure her. But she just shakes her head again.

The semi cold weather making her already light rosy cheeks more red. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"She's my only friend" she admits, whispering. I can't help but give her a look of adoration.

"Darlin' just do what you wanna do" I grab her hand, pulling her closer to me. Since the long distance was killing me. She lets out a soft gasp.

"But what if it hurts others?" she try's, making me groan. I fiddle my fingers with the end of her sleeve.

I just want her near me.

"Camila, what do you want?"

"I wanna try" she says, in a rushed tone. Afraid.

"See, there you go" I try to say in soft tone like her, but it just comes out dark as I tuck the previous strand of hair, behind her ear.

"Harry" she asks as I place my hand on her red cheek, caressing my thumb against her soft cheek.


I can't help but my eyes travel down to her lips.

"I have to go" she smiles softly, taking my hand on her cheek, holding it. Before removing it.

I clench my jaw and she notices my not-so-happy mood suddenly.

"I have to stop by my work to get some papers" she explains, moving her hands as she talks and I nod at her.

"Bye" she smiles walking towards her home. I get into my car sitting there and looking at her until she's out of my view.


"No no I want that one" Hans complains, pointing at the teddy bear.

We have to find a guy. Turns out, he's in a fucking fair.

What the actual fuck?

I go up to Hans and pull him back by his shirt, making him say something with, I'm suing this booth. While dragging him to the other boys.

"Where the fuck is he?" I grit my teeth at Fred, who taps his chin, closing his eyes. Making me grunt.

"They say he'll be here" he says calmly, looking around now. Making Eli huff, taking a bite of his fucking candy floss.

I'm working with kids.

"Who said?"

"The FBI, dumbass" Hans looks at Eli, with a 'god you're stupid' look.

"Hans, Fred you go search the right. Me and Eli go to the left" I explain and they all nod, about to walk away.

"Eli, you fuck. Your gun is sticking out" I scold, seeing the gun sticking out of his pants, his shirt a little risen.

"Oops" Eli chuckles, pulling his shirt making the shirt hide the gun and I roll my eyes, walking away to search.

"So how did it go?" Eli asks, with a smirk making me sigh.


"You know" he nudges "Camila and you"

"None of your god damn business" I mutter, walking faster, making him walk faster as well.

"I'm surprised you had the balls to actually do it" he laughs and I give him a glare.

"Does she know?" he asks, a little quiet. He knows how that question can make me feel.

Is he insane?

"Of fucking course not. I'm not telling her" I give him a glare, talking dark and low. Making him sigh.

"She has the right to know, if you're gonna date her" he roll his eyes, talking like he's an expert.

"Says the one who cheated" I mutter, knowing it hits him. Since he lost the only one who would stay for his bullshit.

He stops in his track, fire in his eyes. Making me roll my eyes.

"Really? Cause images if she found out that you killed her-" he tries to argue, but I shut him up fast.

"Eli focus" I glare at him and he clenches his jaw.

"Come in" I hear Freds voice from my ear buds and I turn it on.


He tells me he saw him and now me and Eli is running over there as fast as me can.



Not Eli about to expose Harry.

What or who do you think Eli was talking about?

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