Its Not Always Sunshine

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P.O.V Cashmere

I woke from my nap with a sharp pain in my stomach. This pain wasn't my regular pain that I usually get so something had to be wrong. I looked next to me and luckily Darius was still there. "Wake-up Darius" I said shaking him hard. "What, what's wrong" he said turning towards me rubbing his eyes. "Somethings not right can you take me to the hospital please" I said trying to get up but it wasn't working on I laid back down. "Hold on, let me get you" he said getting up and coming to my side then picking me up. He walked downstairs out the front door and to his car. He opened the passenger door and sat me down closed the door then ran back inside to get his keys his phone and my phone and ran back out got in the car and drove off to the hospital as fast as he could. 

*4 1/2 hours later*

I woke up in a hospital bed with Darius, Toni, Tasha, and Leloni around me sleeping. Surprisingly my stomach wasn't hurting anymore that was a relief. I looked over to Tasha and she was starting to wake up. "She up y'all wake-up" she said waking everybody else up. "What happened" I said trying to sit up but they eased me back down. "You don't remember what happened Cash" Toni asked looking confused. "Uh she did fucking past out when she saw the blood" Leloni said then Darius told her to shut tf up. "Wait what blood, what blood" I said scared and confused. "Cash" Toni said looking at everybody then back at me "You had a miscarriage". "A miscarriage, no I could'nt have where's Chris is he here" I said. "He came then when they told him the news he went crazy and left the room, but I don't know if he left the hospital" Darius said. "Can you bring the doctor in please" I said and Darius walked outside, called the doctor and came back inside with the her. "Ms. James I see your up, how are you feeling" the doctor asked.Why would she even ask that question duh I'm not feeling good I just supposedly lost my damn child. "I think I'm feeling fine, I feel way better than before" I said somewhat lying "but is it true that I had a miscarriage". Followed with a long pause from the doctor. "Yes ma'am unfortunately you did" the doctor said looking down. All I saw was the room spinning around me, everything was getting blurry, and tears started forming in my eyes. "Calm down Cash your going to be alright, its okay were here for you we're not going anywhere" Leloni said holding my hand but I moved it away. After the doctor slowly exited I just sat quiet looking at the wall in front of me. All these questions were running through my head a million miles per hour. Was I really not pregnant anymore? How could this have happened? Why did this happen? I turned over on my side as silent tears just rolled down the side of my face. "Okay y'all let's leave her be, she needs some alone time as you can see" Toni said as they headed for the door. "Is she up" Chris said walking into the room. "Now you wanna show up ain't that some shit" Leloni said. "Shut the fuck up damn" Darius said grabbing Leloni by her arm and pulling her out the room with him as Tasha followed laughing at they ass. "She's in her own world right now, with you being here she'll probably feel better" Toni said. "Thanks for being here for me and her" Chris said hugging Toni. "You don't need to thank me Chris I'll always be here" Toni said escaping the hug "Well I'll leave you two alone, Y'all need it" leaving the room. A few seconds later Chris came over, got in the bed, and just held me as tight as he could. I turned to him and buried my face in his chest and just started to awl my eyes out. "Its gon be alright Desiree, its gon be alright" he said kissing my forehead sounding sad but no tears were forming. I just couldn't believe that this was actually happening to me well us. Was it just a sign that I shouldn't have been pregnant in the first place or what. I didn't want to think that something like this could even happen to me but it did and all I can do about it is suck it up and keep on living life. I sat up to get my phone as Chris sat up to. "Whats wrong" Chris asked. "Nothing" I said "Might as well make this moment last". I got my phone went to Snap-chat and took a selfie of me and Chris and tagged it hospital life. I still fucking hate hospital with all the being in me. "We look extra hurt" he said kissing me so I decided to take a video of us kissing. "Ugh your such a tud" I said laughing and biting his lip. "And you love it to" he said biting my lip and I stopped the video. "Where you putting that video" he asked. "Snap-chat, why" I said. "Oh okay just asking" he said with a smirk. "I'm ready to fucking go" I said with a sign "You already know I despise hospitals with a passion. "I know baby I know" he said kissing my cheek then biting it "I do to but the doctor wants you to stay here for a few days just to make sure your body is still stable from the loss". "The loss, damn it feels like I'm at a funeral or something" I said laughing trying to not cry again. Sometimes you just have to laugh through the pain but that doesn't work all the time. "What time is it by the way" I asked. "12:22" he answered. "In the morning" I asked. "Yes, Cash in the morning, its the start of the next day" he said laughing shaking his head. "Aw shut up" I said hitting him in his shoulder and getting slowly out the bed. "Cash I don't think you should do that" he said getting up trying to help me. I hate when he does this like damn I can do it myself. "I'm fine Christopher" pushing him aside "but I am hungry can we go to the food court" looking up at him. "Ugh ole hungry ass never stop eating I'm surprised yo ass ain't fat" he said laughing grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door but I wasn't laughing. "That shit ain't funny" I said yanking my hand back and stopping in my tracks mugging him hard. " Bring yo mental ass on Cashmere damn" he said grabbing my hand again and leading me out the room. "Excuse me Where's Dr. Grant" he asked one of the nurses. "Hold on I'll call her in" the nurse said and seconds later Dr. Grant came around the corner. "Why are you out of bed, Ms. James you shouldn't be out of bed" she asked coming over to us. "I'm hungry and I don't want any hospital food that's nasty as hell, so I was going to go to the food court and get me some real food" I said looking at her with my innocent eyes. "An plan on eating what" she asked with a concerned look on her face. "Some Chick-fil-a" I answered. "If you go nothing greasy get a salad something healthy and some water" she said with a serious face.  Ooh so serious why all doctors have to be so serious. "Ugh okay" I said pouting and starting to walk off without Chris' help. "Watch her okay make sure she doesn't hurt herself please" she told Chris and he nodded his head and caught up with me. "Slow down, you need to be careful" he said holding my shoulders and walking behind me. We got to the food court in no time and stood in line surprisingly it was a little long. All these damn fat ass people wanna get Chick-fil-a and shit pissed me off. Suddenly I got a call from an unknown number, usually I don't answer but I did this time I DON'T KNOW WHY. 

love don't mean shitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora