"It's fine, go have fun. I'm about to lay back down, I have the day off so I'm going to try and catch up in some sleep," Kevin said as he put out his cigarette.

"Ok." I walked back to the door, closing it behind me.

Once I was in the hallway, I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. What was Kevin up to? Maybe he's about to kill me, that has to be the only explanation for him being so nice to me.

"God Thomas, get a hold of yourself," I said to myself, shaking my head, trying to rid myself of such ignorant thoughts.

I walked down the hall, mentally checking to make sure I had everything with me. After I was sure I had everything, I walked to the front door, unlocking it before opening it, relocking the door from the inside I stepped out onto the porch, shutting the door behind me. After making sure the door was shut, I walked over to the porch swing, sitting down as I waited for Mia to get here.

Leaning back, I laid my head on the back of the swing, closing my eyes as I began to lightly rock the swing back and forth. Letting out a deep breath, I could feel my body relax as a light breeze passed by, today seemed like it was going to be a good day, I just hoped I was right, I could use a good day. A day without being hit, a day without stressing, a day like how it used to be in the past.

Why couldn't life just go back to how it used to be when I used to be happy instead of numb feeling, back to when people actually gave a shit about me. Back to a life when I was wanted, or needed. I opened my eyes when I could hear a vehicle come to a stop, looking over I saw a blue car sitting in the driveway, the passenger side window rolled down as Mia's blonde head poked out.

"Hi," she happily yelled at me as she waved me over.

Smiling I waved back at her as I stood from the swing, walking down the steps I made my way to the car. Why was Mia in the passenger seat? When I got closer to the car I got my answer as to why she wasn't behind the wheel and that was because her jock boyfriend was driving.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath.

It's not like I had a problem with him, it's just well he's a jock, most of them are airheads and assholes. I know all jocks aren't like that, but most of the time they are, and in this case, Brent was. He's never done anything to me, hell he probably doesn't even know my name and I want to keep it that way, I've heard a few stories from some of the kids he picks on, and I don't want to be on the receiving end of Brent and his little goons 'fun'.

"Hey, Alex-" there went all hope of Brent not knowing my name, at least she didn't say my actual first name. "-Brent and Marcie are teamed up for the same art project, so they tagged along, hope that's ok?"

"Yeah that's fine," I told her, but it wasn't, it wasn't fine at all, I hated being around people I didn't know.

"Great, you'll have to get in on my side cause Marcie is behind Brent," she said, her voice full of excitement, how the hell was she always so happy and chipper.

I grabbed hold of the door handle, pulling it as the door opened, getting in, as I closed the door behind me.

"Hi," Marcie said, with a kind smile.

"Hi," I said quietly, as I buckled.


"What about this one?" Mia asked for what felt like the millionth time.

It was currently four in the afternoon, the four of us had gone out for Chinese food, I have now discovered that Marcie was an angel. She has to be the sweetest person I've ever met aside from Mia of course. Now Brent, well Brent was like how I expected to be honest, he was an asshole, I honestly had no idea why Mia was with him, I guess she was blinded by love, or something else.

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