jack daniels

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Mike didn't sleep. His mind was running way too fast and on too many thoughts to pause long enough to sleep.

Though he was mainly relieved at his confession, is still warranted for endless thoughts.

Maybe I'd be sleeping if she said a single word after my giant ass speech.
Not even.
Maybe if Troy wasn't a cheating asshole, she wouldn't have been silent

The selfish jerk part of me is extremely impatient for her to break it off with him.
Call me hypocritical all you want but I would honestly throw myself off a cliff if I ever saw her dating him seriously.

Something tells me I won't be hearing her playing any music on this fine Sunday morning.
It is officially Sunday morning because I can hear birds chirping outside and I still have gotten NO SLEEP.

Mike's phone ringing snapped him out of his intrusive thoughts


"Oh hi honey! It's 10, what are you doing up this early?" Karen answered.

"It's not that early, Ma."

"It is for you. You always sleep in."

"Well, I wasn't feeling all too well. Plus, Lucas wanted to get an early jog in today." Mike answered, suddenly grateful for his nagging adrenaline junkie best friend

"Alright well there are antacids in my bathroom and tell Lucas I say hi." Karen grinned.

"Will do. So, what time do you think you're coming home?"

"That's why I called actually. My flight got delayed and the next connecting flight isn't until tomorrow afternoon. Do you think you'll be able to handle yourself another day?"

"Yea of course. I'll be sure to clean up all the ash trays and bongs before you get home."

"I hope you twist your ankle on that jog."

"I love you too, Ma."

"Yea, yea. I love you and I'll talk to you soon." Karen replied before hanging up.

Mike was quick to get up and get dressed, not giving his mind enough time to roam into the "El" territory.

It wasn't long before Lucas was at the Wheeler front door.

"Mikeyyyy" Lucas yelled as he let himself in

"Oh please, come on in." Mike said as he walked down the stairs.

"Don't worry, I did." Lucas grinned

"Alright which route are we going through today?"

"I was thinking Mirkwood. That way we can stop by Keery's. I wanna say hi to Max."

"Alright. How's that going by the way?"

"Really, really good. We've gone on 3 dates and I think I'm gonna ask her out for real next week." Lucas blushed

"Dude, nice. She hates pretty much everyone besides you and El so if you're happy, I'm happy for you." Mike said with a smile.

"How is Miss Hopper?" Lucas smirked

"Pretty good, I think..."Mike answered quickly. Not interested in shelling out all the details of the night before "...Now let's run."

After about half an hour on their route, the pair reached the infamous music shop.

Mike chuckled at Lucas wiping his face and fluffing his hair before entering the store.

"Welcome to Keery's how can I- well hey there, sweaty." Max smiled at the sight of Lucas.

"Hey moody. How's work today?" Lucas asked, kissing the redhead behind the counter

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