▪︎Journey to Nimbassa▪︎

Start from the beginning

"Stay out here you two I'll be real quick!" She rushed off before they could even respond. She entered the building and pulled out her wallet. But what she wasn't expecting was to run into someone.
Neither of them fell over, but she felt embarrassed for sure.
"Oh arce- I'm so sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush and wasn't paying-" that's when she noticed who she ran into.

"...Lenora?" The normal type gym leader smiled at her.
"Well if it isn't my favorite Andrews."

Lenora was a good friend of Malerie's parents. She had seen the two trainers after they visited her soon to be gym.
"Of course this is your city I just wasn't expecting to see you." Malerie chuckled.
"How have you been dear, it's been a while." The older woman asked.
"I'm fine, in traveling with a... friend? We're going to Nimbassa together." The blonde replied.

"You sound a bit unsure about that friend of yours." The gym leader stated, crossing her arms. "Oh...I'm not sure if we're friends or not, I think we are..." she scratched her chin in thought.
"A-anyway I'm kinda in a hurry, he's waiting outside with Lilligant and I told them I would be quick."

"Oh it's a boy that explains it." Lenora chuckled.
"Wait no- I" her eyes grew wide and she covered her face.
"I was just messing with you dear."
The two chatted a little more as Malerie got her muffin.

"Okay I'll see you later Lenora!" Malerie waved as she exited the cafe, a chocolate chip muffin in hand. She noticed N and Lilligant next to some Pidove on the sidewalk.
"Hey sorry if I took to long, I ran into a family friend." She said as she approached the two.
"Its fine, I was just talking to these Pidove." N replied, standing up. Lilligant waved at the flying types and ran to Malerie's side, she gave her baby doll eyes almost like she was begging for a bit of her muffin.

"Alright fine you can have a bite." Malerie huffed, tearing a small chunk off of her muffin and handing it to Lilligant who took a quick bite.
Malerie herself to a bite as well.

The journey to Nimbassa continued. They had to cross the bridge to get to Castelia but it gave the two more time to talk.
"So you said you ran into a family friend?" N had asked.
"Oh yeah, Lenora the gym leader. She knows my parents." She replied.
"Ah, that makes sense I suppose..."
Malerie looked down at Lilligant who was skipping slightly ahead of the two. Surprisingly enough it was a rather silent walk. The two didn't really have much to say to each other... or at least not right now.

Eventually they made it into Castellia, Malerie looked around the big city. She wasn't really used to the larger parts of Unova as she mostly stayed around smaller or just forest areas.
Lilligant hung by Malerie's side again, knowing she could get lost easily in such a big city.
"I kinda want to explore the city a bit before we go to Nimbassa, I haven't really experienced Castellia you could say." She said, turning to face some of the larger buildings.
"Do you want to explore with me or go do some yourself?" Malerie asked turning towards N.

"I'll come with you, I prefer traveling with you..." He smiled softly, and Malerie blushed lightly at the comment. "I like traveling with you as well, it makes things less lonely." She replied, returning the smile.

And so the two walked around the city for a while, Malerie was mostly just looking at buildings rather than entering them. It was about noon now and Malerie could tell the group was getting kinda hungry.
So they stopped for a quick lunch in a park. Malerie had gotten a few sandwiches from a cafe not to far from the park. She had let out the rest of her team and gave them some somewhat equal portions.
After they had finished she quickly picked up the group's bowls.
By now the other members, besides Lilligant, looked like they could fall asleep.

"I think we better head to Nimbassa now... if we want to get there before sunset." Malerie mumbled, as the two started walking again.
N nodded quietly, he hadn't said much since they arrived in Castelia. Other than pointing out a few things, or some pokemon.

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