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"Ah, An Audino! That's lovely, great job, I'm sure you two have gotten along well. I'm just going show the children around real quick. And I suppose you can all look around the town a little more." She replied, her smile ever evident.

Malerie nodded, and walked up to the counter. Handing Nurse Joy her pokeballs. After getting them back, she noticed the kids waiting for her by the door. And they all walked out together, although she quickly noticed something happening at the opposite of the center's location.

"Hey it's Team Plasma!" Bianca exclaimed, getting a few looks from the people around her. She cleared her throat and said it a bit more calm tone.
"I wonder what they're doing." Malerie said quietly, walking up to the crowd. After making her way through it she noticed a rather tall boy with green hair. He caught her attention, and she wasn't sure why. He just seemed... Interesting.

She shook her head and turned twords the group. Clearly interested in what they had to say.

And that's when a man walked out in front of them.
"My name is Ghetsis. I am here representing Team Plasma. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about Pokémon liberation." Malerie held a confused look on her face. Pokemon liberation? She heard a few confused sounds from others around her. Small chatter beagn happening in the crowd, amongst the people clearly as confused as she was.

"I'm sure most of you believe that we Humans and Pokemon are partners that have come to live together because we want and need each other. However... Is that really the truth? Have you ever considered that perhaps we humans... only assume that this is the truth?" He seemed oddly passionate about this subject. That's what confused her, and what was this that people and pokémon shouldn't be together?

"Pokémon are subject to the selfish commands of Trainers... They get pushed around when they are our "partners" at work... Can anyone say with confidence that there is no truth in what I'm saying?" Malerie tilted her head, and she held Audino's hand. She was never cruel to her pokemon, they were all precious to her.

Ghetsis, or so he was called continued.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, Pokémon are different from humans. They are living beings that contain unknown potential. They are living beings from whom we humans have much to learn. Tell me, what is our responsibility toward these wonderful beings called Pokémon?" The crowd's chatter had died down at this point, although audible conversation was still occurring. A few people seemed to agree with him. A few others appeared reluctant, but understood what he was saying.

"That's right! We must liberate the Pokémon! Then, and only then, will humans and Pokémon truly be equals. Everyone, I end my words here today by imploring you to consider the relationship between people and Pokémon... and the correct way to proceed. We sincerely appreciate your attention.

Malerie turned away from them, as the crowd dispersed. She noticed the kids standing clsose to her and walked up to them. "That was... Odd." She mumbled, crossing her arms.
Bianca nodded, and bit her lip. "Yeah, I don't know how to feel about them."
Hilda nodded as well, and looked off to the side. "Pokemon liberation? I don't understand it... I mean sure some trainers aren't the kindest to their pokemon but... I don't think we should just take away pokemon completely. From what I know most pokemon enjoy helping humans." Hilda mumbled, placing a hand on her chin in thought.
Cheren nodded, and sighed. "This certainly will be a problem... I can tell." He turned away from the group and started to head twords the center, the other two girls followed. Malerie stood still in thought for a moment, and looked down at her Audino. She didn't notice a young man approach her.

Audino was the first to notice him. She let out a surprised 'Audi?'
"Excuse me?" He asked, catching Malerie's attention.
"Hm?" She looked up at him. It was the boy from before.
"Oh, I'm sorry I was wanting to talk to Audino here." He said politely.

"Er- okay... I guess." She mumbled, a confused look making its way onto her face. She stared at him for a moment as he and Audino seemed to converse. He stood up straight and turned to her, "Would you mind letting me hear your Pokemon in a battle?" 

"Um... I guess... whatever that means." She said quietly

She grabbed Servine's pokeball and through it out, the grass type letting out a happy cry to finally get to battle.
The boy sent out a purrloin. He was oddly calm, she mentally noted that.

"Okay Servine use pound!" She called out, Audino nodded in response doing as her trainer had asked.
Purloin responded with scratch, although not doing to much damage due to her higher level.
"Let's finish this with Magical Leaf!" She called out, Servine conjured up several leaves and hit the cat like Pokemon and knocked it out. 

"Your Pokemon are quite the vocal bunch." The boy said, and returned his pokemon. A warm smile resided on his face. Malerie grabbed a potion from her bag, and sprayed Servine with it and returned her to her Pokeball. "Yeah as far as I know they are-" She replied, smiling at her own joke. She looked up at him, and studied his appearance. He was rather... Attractive indeed, but what really caught her eye was the necklace he wore. Her eyes trailed back up to his, she tapped her lips before speaking.
"So, you never told me your name." She mumbled.

"Oh, right." He said quietly, before answering.
"My name is N, it's a pleasure to meet you."
1756 words

Peace out and Stay safe fam ~♡

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