Who do you run into while going to U.A.?

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Aries: (Rikidou Satou) Satou is sprinting down the block, a huge stack of boxes in his arms. His eyes are wide and a frantic look frozen on his face. As you round the corner, he slams into you. You were on your way to get breakfast, because you cannot cook to save your life. You stumbled back, coated in sugar and flour, with a few eggs smashed on the front of your shirt. Satou's face is covered in a blank horror as he sees the mess he made. Gingerly, he attempts to brush some of the flour off your shoulder, only succeeding in blending it in further. You closed your eyes, very tightly, and counted to ten. This was not a good start to your first day of school.

Taurus: (Katsuki Bakugou) Bakugou was walking to school, one hand one his backpack strap, the other tapping to an unseen rhythm on the side of his thigh. You step off your porch just as he walks past, keeping in step just half a step behind him. He looks back, a quizzical look crossing his face, and gives you a nod, which you return. When you reach school, he opens the door, half holding it open so you can go through. Thinking nothing of it, you open the door the rest of the way, and go to find your classroom.

Gemini: (Tenya Iida) You looked across the street, twice, very quickly, before half-running across. The next car was still at least a hundred feet away, so you figured you were safe. However, the car, after sending out a very hasty turn signal, and displaying a haggard chauffeur in the front window, pulled to stop. A person, dressed in the same uniform as you, stepped out of the car, immediately beginning to lecture you about the ideals and values the school held, and our duty as students of the most prestigious hero training academy to make choices representing the integrity of the school. He went on and on, with his hands chopping away at the air, emphasizing every point he made. Biting your lip, you looked at your phone. You were going to have to run to make it to school on time.

Cancer: (Tooru Hagakure) You were standing at the bus stop when you noticed there seemed to be a free standing school uniform. Other than the wind gently rustling the skirt, the uniform was completely frozen. Your mouth hung open in awe, you stepped forward and waved your hand just above the neckline. Your hand connected with something, and a quiet slap is heard. The uniform unfreezes, a clear jump backwards is seen, as the the uniform, no the person inside it, accuses you of hitting her on purpose. Your eyes wide, you state, repeatedly, that you were just curious, and you thought it was a telekinesis quirk. Hagakure accepts your explanation, but you can hear she is still skeptical in her voice.

Leo: (Hanta Sero) At the bus stop, Sero is muttering to himself. There are repeated mentions of foot lettuce and ham. You notice that he has the same uniform as you, and despite your better judgment, you ask him what he is muttering about. He states that he absolutely must get some Burger King foot lettuce so he can throw it in Kaminari's face so he can get a picture so he can blackmail him from when they threw ham in his face to recreate the cat meme. You blink, twice, before grabbing a rock, and using your quirk, turn it into a piece of lettuce, and throw it in his face. The look of utter disappointment on his face is wonderful, and you double over laughing.

Virgo: (Mezou Shouji) You are walking down the sidewalk when you hear a crash. You spin around, eyes wide and searching for the source of possible danger. Your eyes land on a person in a dark cloak, sprawled on the concrete. You make your way over to him, and hold out your hand, offering to help him up. The bottom half of his face is covered in a mask, and he hesitates before reaching out to grab your hand. Your eyes widen as you realize his first arm is connected to two others, revealed by the shifting of his cloak as he reached to grab your arm. As soon as Shouji gets up, he lets go of your hand and steps back, head bowed; waiting for the onslaught of questions that usually come with seeing him for the first time. A faint smile crosses your lips, and you start walking again, looking back and calling out for him to walk with you. What is on the surface does not account for anything, it is only what is on the inside that matters.

Libra: (Izuku Midoriya) Midoriya is walking, an almost skip visible as he steps. His freshly washed hair is damp in the morning sun, highlighting its emerald green color. You fall into step next to him after noticing that he is wearing the same uniform as you. Midoriya notices you, and immediately starts talking about how exited he is to be able to go to U.A. You smile and nod your head as you walk with him. You pull out your bagel and begin eating it, as you woke up too late to eat and still be five minutes early. Midoriya sees you eating while walking, and being very concerned for you, tries to get you to sit down so you can finish your bagel in peace. Smiling, you keep walking, shoving almost half the bagel in your mouth. He runs to catch up, lecturing you about proper meal times and how it could be dangerous to walk around eating food. You think it's cute how he is worried about you.

Scorpio: (Momo Yaoyorozu) You are running down the street. You woke up late, even after triple checking the night before to make sure your alarm was on. A sleek car drives past, and you wish you had a ride. When the car is half a block away, it stops, and someone gets out of the car. As you run past, the person calls out to you, and offers you a ride, because it seems as if you both are going to the same place. Seeing that she has the same uniform as you, you accept her offer and get in the car. On the way to school, after you catch your breath, you and Yaoyorozu talk about the new school and how your quirks are very similar to each other.

Sagittarius: (Shouto Todoroki) You looked out your window, for the fourth time that hour, only to see the same boy jogging. You had gotten up early to make pancakes, and to watch the rising sun. Instead, you got a view of a boy, running around the block for who knows how long. The pancakes were finally done, about ten minutes before you had to leave. The boy came running down the street again, and you ran out of your house, holding a plate of pancakes in your hands. You called out to him and he slowed down, looking at you for an explanation as to why you asked him to stop. You held out the plate of pancakes and explained that they were for him. He took the plate you were holding and held it, and said thank you, but made no move to eat it. You told him to eat it, again, and ran inside to get a glass of milk. While you were gone he scarfed down the entire plate, except for one bite. you took the plate, handed him the milk, and watched as he chugged it. You smiled, took the cup and said goodbye, because if you didn't leave right this second, you would be late to school.

Capricorn: (Tsuyu Asui) You were walking to school when you realized you did not have your water bottle. Immediately, you panicked, thinking about where you could get a water bottle as good as yours. Your water bottle was metal, with a reflective rainbow across the surface. It kept water cool for hours, and you had dreamed about getting that specific model for years. You had saved your meager allowance for months so you could afford one. You ran to the nearest convenience store and went to the cooler. You picked out 5, no 6 water bottles just to be safe. Another girl was also grabbing water bottles, and wearing the same uniform as you. It turned out you were in the same predicament. You spoke about it on your way to school, all the while lugging heavy backpacks and light hearts.

Aquarius: (Mashirao Ojiro) A boy was walking in front of you, his tail waving behind him. Your gaze was glued to the sweeping motions it made with every step he took. Your hands ached to touch the soft fur that covered it. You rubbed your hands on your pants, wiping away the sweat that gathered from your innocent wish. You only wanted to rub your hands down that muscled tail, ruffling the fur and brushing it back down. You didn't realize the boy had stopped walking and bumped into him, your hands brushing his tail for just a second, and oh my, how heavenly it felt. You introduced yourselves, and walked the rest of the way to school speaking of trivial things. However, on the forefront of your mind was how wonderful that tail had felt. No matter what kind of planning it took, you would touch that tail again.

Pisces: (Denki Kaminari) You where walking to school when you noticed a boy who had the same uniform as you. You went up to him, perhaps to strike up a conversation, only to notice that he was trying to film something. He would throw up a piece of candy, and sometimes catch it in his mouth. When he did, he would continue the video, saying, wow, first try and re watch the video. However, upon seeing the angle or the light was bad, he would retake the video. You watched him, for the whole twenty minute walk to school, as he tried to accomplish one simple task. Half of the time you filmed it. Black mail is always a good last resort. When you got to school, you threw four pieces of candy he had dropped and said "Wow, first try!" Kaminari's cheeks flushed scarlet as you turned away, a smile on your face.

A/n: Lol, you guys I'm so proud of this. I know the signs don't behave in accordance to how they are supposed to, so just think of the story as specific to only you and the people of your zodiac.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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