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Aries: You can manipulate oxygen. When you compress oxygen in a small space, it becomes highly flammable. You have taken to keeping matches on you at all times, allowing you to make portable bombs. Downside is, sometimes you concentrate too hard and take the oxygen out of your area, along with the other person's, making you knockout as well.

Taurus: You are able to choose a spot on a person's body, and if you or another person hits that spot, they will be immediately knocked out. You are able to use this on up to ten people at once. Downside is, when using your quirk, you have a weak spot as well. 

Gemini: You are able to become an expert on any subject. However, you are only able to hold five skills at once. In order to learn a different skill, you must forget one of the previous ones.

Cancer: You are able to freeze someone by framing them with your fingers. Downside is, as soon as you move from your freezing pose, it becomes a battle of wills to see if you can keep the person(s) frozen. However, there is a residual sluggishness that comes from being frozen, which gives you an edge in battle.

Leo: You can manipulate objects to change shape. The bigger the change, the more concentration it takes. In battle, the natural terrain becomes your friend, as you are able to procure weapons and obstacles from your surroundings. Downside is, the effects only last up to 30 seconds.

Virgo: You are able to change the color and material of clothes you touch. You are always the latest in fashion trends, and have a dashing suit of armor to aid you in fighting. Downside is, the effect only lasts for 24 hours. (you have made quite a bit of money helping friends out though)

Libra: You are able to see the intent of a person or thing. You would be able to predict if someone was going to attack you, or come in peace. If you concentrate hard enough, you are able to sense their next immediate significant action. Downside is, you cannot always anticipate exactly what they will do.

Scorpio: You are able to produce metal from thin air. As you grow, so has your knowledge of metals, allowing you to produce different types of alloys. You are still experimenting to figure out what combination is best for the ultimate weapon. Downside is, you get fatigued from using your quirk too much.

Sagittarius: You are able to draw words in the air, and fling them at the opponent. If they land, that person must complete the command, or be knocked out to be relieved of that command. Downside is, there are a lot of loopholes people can exploit if they look for them.

Capricorn: Like a suit of armor, you are covered with iridescent scales. You also have gills on your neck, which are not visible unless you go under water. Downside is, not having any form of water around can be hard for you, and if an attack goes under your scales, instead of deflecting it, you could be injured very badly.

Aquarius: You are able to make anything invisible, for any amount of time. Downside is, you cannot make yourself invisible.

Pisces: When speaking or moving, you have the ability to convince people you are about to do something. When fighting, you are the ultimate fake-out master. Downside is, people cannot tell when you are using your quirk.

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