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Hayden handed me another peppermint because I randomly started craving mints while pacing. He finally convinced me to sit down as he watched Ryder's heart rate, it seemed to be the only interesting thing to watch at the moment.

"Nina said she would wait until the grandparents had had their time with Ryder before coming."

"I think that's wise. Hopefully they can coordinate dates, I don't really want so many people in the place."

"They will baby, don't worry." He kissed my forehead. "I love you Dasha."

"I love you more Hayden." We were still chilling at a four which I knew meant it wasn't even close to time right now. This was going to be a long day and possibly night.

Rose and the gang had picked up Darina to take around and get food while occupying their time. They would be staying at a hotel for the night to give us space if we needed anything. Thankfully our neighbors had agreed to check on Bandit and Jasper for the night while we chilled here.

Taking a deep breath, I squeezed the bed rail as the next wave rolled through. Fourteen minutes apart. We still had a while it seemed.

"Do you think he'll have to stay in the NICU for long?"

"I'm sure it won't be too long sweetheart. He's been doing so well from what the doctors had said during your pregnancy. We'll just have to see when he finally comes out." Hayden rubbed my shoulder and sighed, "I don't like seeing you like this."

"What, waiting for your son to come out?" I teased.

"Stressed," he kissed my forehead. "I'm more than ready for Ryder to come out, though I won't be watching that part I'll admit. Pretty sure I would be on the floor."

"Hayden Blaze, you're not used to birthing babies by now."

"Trust me, seeing Darina was plenty after they had cleaned her up and such. I don't really want to know the other details involved."

"Fair enough," I teased and switched the channel on the tv. Nothing much was on but background noise helped distract my racing thoughts.

Mary poked her head in and said my name softly. "Dasha?"

I looked up as she walked in with what seemed to be night shift. "This is Hannah, she's taking over for me but I'll be back tomorrow morning. You're in good hands tonight dear."

Hannah said hi and wrote her info on the board while getting a rundown of me while Hayden smiled. "You look tired, do you want to get some rest Dasha?"

"I don't think I could even if I wanted too. But you can," I kissed his forehead as he chuckled. "I'll only sleep if you do. But, I may run down and get a drink if that's okay?"

"Sure babe, I'll be here."

The nurses were gone by the time Hayden walked out and I resorted to sitting on my phone and watching random videos on facebook. Ryder shifted a tiny bit as I adjusted my hips in the bed. "I'm ready for you to come out Squirt."

Hannah knocked about thirty minutes later and asked if she could check to see how I was doing. Lifting the blankets, I watched her while she assessed and did some poking on my stomach. "He's definitely down, have your contractions changed from fourteen minutes yet?"

"Not that I've noticed. But at this point I can't tell if I have to pee or push."

She smiled, "totally normal. It looks..." she pulled out her work phone and pulled it to her ear while looking down again. "I'd say he looks ready to start coming out. You've dilated a little more and he's..."

She stopped as someone answered the phone and repeated what she was saying. "Yes, Tori, this is Hannah. I'm taking care of Mrs. Blaze. Yes, I was wondering if you could be available or Dr. Sanchez within the next hour? She's dilated more and his head looks in position. Great, thank you."

"He's ready?" I asked nervously while she felt around.

"Without you even pushing, Ryder is wanting to try and appear. So I'm just letting the doctor know in case you do start getting contractions more frequently. Looks like you'll be having him here soon."

"Thank God," Hayden sighed, "as long as he's okay."

"You're in good hands Mr. Blaze. I'll be back in just a moment."

I grabbed the bed rail again as a contraction hit and felt my breath slow, "Hayden."

"I'll go get Hannah," he stood up and walked out quickly to go find the nurse as I felt more pressure build up.

"Squirt," I panted, "you have to wait for the doctor." Obviously talking to him wasn't going to make a difference as the contraction ended.

As soon as Hayden returned in the room with Hannah another one started and she started talking me through it. "Alright sweetheart, it seems he's ready to arrive. Tori is on her way."

"Four minutes apart," I panted and couldn't tell if I needed to push or squeeze my legs.

"Go ahead and push, they'll be here." She pulled down things underneath me as another nurse walked in the room on the phone. She said something to Hayden as I watched the monitor and the contractions. Ryder was coming. I could feel it.

Dr. Sanchez walked in about fifteen minutes later gowned up as we had started pushing his head through and my hair was plastered all over my face. He was small but it didn't change the sensation.

"Oh goodness, Ryder," she got down next to Hannah and moved her hands. "How quickly are we pushing?"

I tuned out everything at this point and focused on Hayden's hands who were squeezing mine to offset the pressure. "You're doing so good sweetheart."

"Push Dasha."

Again and again I pushed while feeling little movements and trying not to focus on everything all at once.

"Almost there, one more push for this shoulder," the doctor coached as I counted to five before pushing.

The sound of a cry filled the room as I felt Ryder fall into the Doctor's hands and I immediately teared up.

She handed him to me as I held the tiniest human in the world on my chest and felt tears fall. He was so handsome.

"Ryder," I stroked his cheek as he quieted down and pulled a blanket over him. "Hayden."

He kissed my head and stroked his little head. Dark hair was all over his scalp, he was going to be just like his father.

Hannah took him moments later to do a checkup and clean up while Tori watched. I tried to pay attention to what they were saying but my thoughts were all foggy and I just wanted to hold my son again.

They placed him back on my chest and the feeling of being content was immeasurable. My family was here, and perfect.

**Sorry, this could've been updated faster. Working on the next chapter, but Ryder is here! There is still more to come.**

The Aftermath with my History TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now