Exile on Main St

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"Damn it Dean." Harmony groaned as the alarm clock went off at seven in the morning like it did every single night.

"I know I know." Dean sighed as he unwrapped his arm from her waist and turned off the alarm clock. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I don't give a damn." Harmony said as she pulled the covers over her head.

Dean sighed again and got out of the bed in Lisa's guestroom and walked out.

Harmony waited til he was downstairs before she took the blankets off and walked to the window looking outside sadly. "Come on Sam, it's been a year. Where are you?"

Harmony is now ten years old and had to spend a year in this stupid house in this dumb neighborhood. Dean won't even drive his car anymore, he bought an ugly truck and got a job building houses. Worse of all they're staying with Lisa.

Harmony and Ben get along ok but she can't stand Lisa. Lisa seems to be trying to be like a mom to her and Harmony hates it. Plus she fights with Dean a lot and most of the fights are about her.

"She's not going to school Lisa." Dean said sternly.

"She can't stay locked up in this house all day, it's the perfect time."

"I said no, she's mine Lisa and what I say that involves her is law."

Oh yeah, Lisa doesn't know Harmony isn't human.

Dean takes Harmony to work with him everyday which is fine with the crew since she stays out of the way. Harmony hates this normal life stuff. The world is in danger and she's not helping it, every single day is the same thing and she can't use her powers.

Since Harmony hardly ever leaves their room Dean usually eats in there with her.

"Think you can at least try the table?" Dean asked her.

"No." Harmony answered before she looked up at him. "Dean how long do we have to stay here?"

"Until Sam finds us." Dean answered.

"It's been a miserable year. I hate it here Dean. I wanna go back to traveling, I wanna find Sam. Dean, I wanna save the world."

"I know, believe me I do too." Dean assured her.

"Then why are were here?" Harmony asked.

"Because I promised Sam this is where he'd be. I promised him Harmony and you know a promise shouldn't be broken."

"That's not fair." Harmony whined. "I can't no matter how hard I try, it's my curse not yours. Let's find Sam and get the hell out of here."

"My answer is no Harmony, I'm staying here which means you're stuck here too." Dean told her.

After a long day of watching Dean build a house Lisa suggested they all eat at the table together.

"No." Harmony said short and not at all sweet as she walked upstairs. Dean walked with her but stopped her when they got to the top of the stairs.

"Harmony, I don't like how you're acting little girl, not one damn bit now either try to get along with Lisa or stay in our room all night. Understand?"

"Yes." Harmony answered.

"Good." Dean was about to head back down and thought Harmony would follow him but instead Harmony went back to their room.

Next day, same damn thing and the next day and the next day and the next.

Harmony usually passes time reading John's journal so she's not rusty when they go back hunting. When she started to get this feeling. A bad feeling. "Dean." Harmony put the journal down and ran to the garage where Dean was working on his truck only to see he's gone. "Dean?" Harmony started running around looking for him. "Dean! Damn it! Where the hell are you you son of a bitch!" Harmony started freaking out thinking a monster took him. "DEAN!!"

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