Two and a Half Men

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"Why are we still in this stupid house?" Harmony asked.

"I'm still pissed at Sam and so are you." Dean said as he polished his gun.

"Well yeah but I rather be with Sam then living here in this crappy house." Harmony said.

"It's not that hard."

"It's boring Dean, everyday is the same damn thing, you're boring and I can't use my powers here, meanwhile people are dying and if I didn't make that promise to you when I was two I'd be out there stopping them." Harmony then turned away and went to go hide upstairs as always. "Stupid house, stupid apple pie life, stupid Lisa." Harmony's ranting was then interrupted by that strong feeling she gets when someone close has died. Harmony ran out of the room and looked in Ben's room to see he was alive just playing a video game. She could hear Lisa washing dishes and Dean was still in the garage. Harmony quickly followed the feeling to a couple houses to see a mother and father dead.

"Alright you son of a bitch! Come out and fight!" Harmony heard someone running away and was about to chase it until a sound stopped her. Crying. Harmony followed the sound and looked under the table to see a baby. "Oh come on." Harmony never held a baby before so she awkwardly picked it up. "I am so sorry about your parents kid... Wait a minute." Harmony looked into it's eyes and saw this was a shapeshifter. "OH COME ON!!"

Harmony quickly got out of the house before the police came. "Damn it, what do I do with you?" Harmony paced around until she realized something. "I'm a hunter so I handle this like a hunter." Harmony appeared by Lisa's house and saw Lisa and Dean arguing in the garage again. Harmony quickly went into the house and wrote a note.

'Found a case, going to solve it since you won't. PS. I took Lisa's purse.'

Harmony grabbed Lisa's purse and teleported out of there.

"Ok kid." Harmony said as she appeared inside a motel room on the other side of town. "Be quiet." She put the kid on one of the beds and put pillows on both sides before she teleported to the front desk. Luckily the guy wasn't there. Harmony quickly got behind the desk and looked at the computer. "Please be an idiot, please be an idiot... Yes." Harmony found the password on the desk and quickly typed it in showing the room she and the kid were in was taken before going back.

"Ok kid, I have no choice but to be honest with you but I know jack swat about babies." Harmony told it as she sat down. "You know you and I are a lot alike. We're both not human and we both lost our parents." Harmony sighed and laid back thinking of a plan. Harmony's thoughts were interrupted by the kid crying. "What? I don't have any toys if that's what you want."

When it didn't stop Harmony groaned. "Damn it kid I don't speak baby." A gross smell then hit Harmony's nose. "I am starting to like you less and less." Harmony put her hands on her hips as she looked down at it. "Gross, what do you want me to do kid? It's not like I can just..." Harmony snapped her fingers and the smell was gone. She blinked surprised and stared at her fingers for a moment before looking back at the baby shapeshifter. "Dude what the hell?" Harmony sat down for a minute before looking back at him. "The heck did the old one go?" She then shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well, least you don't smell like a sewer anymore." She then looked at her fingers again. "I wonder..." Harmony looked at an empty corner and snapped her fingers making a crib appear. "This is spooky."

When the kid started fussing again Harmony sighed. "What did Dean do with me?" Harmony slowly picked the baby up and laid it against her slowly rocking.
Let me.... go..!
Let Me go..!

Sweet dream are made of screams
Those who've lost their minds
will disagree
You travel the world on his seven teeth
Everybody's looking for someone
And They've found you
And They've found you
And They've found.. you..

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
some of them want to use you..
some of them want to get used by you..
some of them want to abuse you..
some of them wanna be abused..

Sweet dreams are made of screams
The corrupted ones
just won't let you sleep
they'll crawl on your walls
and they'll spread their disease
Everyone of them's
looking for someone...

Harmony looked to see the shapeshifter was asleep so she laid it down in the crib and thought about what the next step would be until Harmony heard the baby sneeze and cry. "Oh come on!" Harmony turned and saw the wall and crib was completly covered with slime and skin. Harmony gagged and saw the baby now looked completely different. "Oh come on dude! Gross!" Harmony felt like throwing up as she reached in and pulled the slime-covered baby out. "Ew ew ew ew EW!!!"

As Harmony and the baby both freak out someone knocks on the door. "Manager. Everything ok in there?"

"I have a baby in here dude, babies cry!" Harmony yelled.

"There's been some complaints."

"Yeah? Well tell them to kiss my ass! I have enough problems already ya son of a bitch!"

The door then broke open and a shapeshifter walked in. "Give me my baby."

Harmony blinked and looked back and forth at the kid and the other shapeshifter before shrugging. "OK."

The shapeshifter blinked expecting a fight. "Just like that?"

"You're the dad, and I can't take care of this kid. You're not one of those abusive bastards are you?"

"Nothing like that."

"Then he's all yours, see ya later kid." Harmony waved and walked out. "I'm not cleaning that old skin up."

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