Chapter 4: First Day of UA

Start from the beginning

He grabbed the ball and stood into a chalk circle. He got into a pitching position and threw the ball using his quirk while also yelling out "SHINE!!!". Aizawa showed us his score of 705.2 meters.

S.A- This test will consist of 8 tests in which you will use your quirks to get the best scores possible. The test consists of:

1. 50 Meter Dash

2. Grip Strength

3. Standing Long Jump

4. Repeated Side Steps

5. Sit Ups

6. Seated Toe-touch

7. Distance Run

8. Ball Throw

S.A- And just incase any of you get any funny ideas about this test, person with the lowest score will be expelled. Go beyond and plus ultra.

Everyone started panicking since none wanted to place last and get expelled. I wasn't to worried since I knew I would ace the test and possibly place in the top.

Test 1: 50 Meter Dash

Tenya Iida vs Izuku Midoriya, huh. I this should be easy enough. I turned into XLR8 and got into a running position.

Camera Bot: 3, 2, 1, GO!

As soon as the robot said go I immediate cleared the dash in less than a blink of an eye.

C.B- Izuku Midoriya, time 0.00001 seconds

C.B- Tenya Iida, time 3.04 seconds

Everyone looked at me shocked. They didn't think I would be able to beat Iida since his whole shtic was that he was the fastest. I transformed back and just went back to the others. Everyone started asking me questions and I just told them they would learn in due time. I mean, why should I trust these people I just met and reveal all my secrets.

After everyone completed the 50 Meter Dash we started the next test.

Test 2: Grip Strength

That sounds easy enough. As I dialed up Four Arms everyone was crowded around a tall guy with multi arms. He had gotten a score of 540kg in the grip test. Everyone was complementing him on their strength until they looked over to me, who had transformed into Four Arms and accidentally broke the device which showed a score of over 1,000kg before I crushed it. Funny thing is I didn't even use two arms for it. Everyone was staring in shock at me, I had just broke the grip strength which was supposed to be very durable, with a single arm. I turned back and just ignored everyone and waited for the next test.

Test 3: Standing Long Jump

Another easy test. I can just fly over it, I mean if Bakugou can fly over it with his explosions then surely I can fly over it using a part of my body. I turned into Stinkfly and just flew over the sandpit. I turned back and watched everyone complete the jump. I was curios on how they would use their quirks to clear the jump.

Test 4: Repeated Side Steps

Wow these tests are really easy. It seems the required gap for the jump is pretty small. I can just run in place since it would technically be side stepping. I transformed into XLR8 and walked into the marked chalk lines. I started running in place, which to them looked like side steps, I mean it was technically true, I crossed the lines each time. I had to stop since I kept going forever and they already knew I could go for a while. I turned back and just watched the others. I was interested on their mobility since it could be of use.

Izuku Midoriya: The New Wielder of the Omnitrix (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now