Chapter 2: Silence

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I ran to the hospital knowing that the Bakugou family was close behind me. Turning to face them with my eyes closed, I screamed. I spat at their faces to leave me the hell alone and ran using my quirk. I arrived at the next hospital within a minute.

I quickly shoved my way into al elevator after checking in at the front desk. Reaching the third floor I asked a couple of nurses around to where room 207 was.

It was right in front of me.

The sound of the slow but steady beeping on the heart monitor drowned my ears. I watched the doctor I could tell was the same one who had called me to try and speak to me.

She was approaching me with her hand held out to touch my shoulders.

"I'm an only child," I told her "I've never met my father and I have no idea if I have any other family." She sighed and motioned for me to come to sit beside her at a table. She asked me politely if I was hungry, and I shake my head lamely.

I had lost my appetite. She reached into a small refrigerator and placed a water bottle down beside me. I had cried early two gallons even in those few short moments that I had known; it had been roughly 25 minutes since I found out that my mother was in the hospital.

I chugged down around a thorn of the water bottle before looking over at the now nearly Doctor. She nodded her head and cooly left the room. I was alone with my mother for maybe half an hour.

I just held her cold hand as I sobbed into my arms as her body lay lifeless. The heart monitor slowly picked up speed and the beeping became louder.

I checked the screens all around the room. Mum was waking up! She was still u stable so I called a nurse into the room. Then the nurse kindly broke the news to me. It seemed my mother's heart rate was speeding up because she was waking up, yes.

But, apparently, the nurse's quirk works like they can see how much life a person has left in them, above their heads is a date and time in which the person dies. I panicked as I watched him write down today's date.

I had one hour left with her before she was gone forever.

She stored in her seemingly unending sleep and agonizingly slowly sat up as best as she could. I could tell she was close to tears then too. She must have overheard the doctor.

She shakes her wrist and flings her hands around motioning for me to come over to her. Arms speed wide and a sloppy smile plastered on my face I hugged my mother for possibly the last time.

"I love you my darling Izuku." She croaked out through heavy tears, which landed on the hospital sheets and gown she wore with all their fat wet glory and half soaked the thin materials.

"Mum." I cried in an almost waxy voice. "What am I going to do without you? I can't live without you Mum! I need you!" I choked out in loud sobs that made my shoulders shake as I brought my wrist to attempt to wipe away the fat splintering tears. The waterworks just kept coming.

Mum dragged her thumbs under my bloodshot eyes and then placed her hand on her heart. She then seemed to remember something. She reached around her neck and pulled.

A small chain broke off of her neck. Attached to the silver chain was a small key. "Take this, find your father. Tell him I still love him even though he has found someone else. I forgive him. Tell him I don't blame him for not knowing. I never told him."

She whispered out a few more sentences but it was hard to hear over the heart monitor which was slowing down drastically.

Until the flatline

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