Fairy lights and lucid nights

Start from the beginning

She gave up her son for an asshole of a man.

A tear dropped out of his eyes. He stared up at the stars one more time.

"I love you Hannah. Don't make the same mistake as me, my beautiful sister. Please Jisung don't feel too burdened, it's not your fault for any of this. Changbin I trust you to take care of Hannah. Minho please take care of Jisung for me..."

"Mom... even though you left me. I'll always love you"

And with that, he shoved a handful of the white capsules into his mouth.

With one last thought he crashed to the ground.

"I love you Felix"



Chan opened his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes, messed his hair, and tried to remember what happened.

He then realized he wasn't in his alleyway.

Or his house.

All of a sudden a short male, with a blond mullet walked into the room.

"OMG YOU'RE AWAKE." The male squeaked.

The male had dropped the soup he had in his hands.

"Where... am I... and who are you?" Chan asked.

"You-you don't remember me?" The boy stuttered.

Chan sat up, noticing he was shirtless, only wearing some boxers he couldn't remember even owning.

"No... am I supposed to?" Chan replied.

The blond haired male sat on the edge of the king sized bed, fluffed his hair, and sighed.

"I'm your fairy guide Felix. You may know me as your childhood imaginary friend. I look different from what I did when I was 5 years old so I understand how you can't recognize me."

"You- what? You were just an imaginary friend? No one else could see you? Therefore you were fake! This is fake! I'm in heaven right? I shouldn't be alive anymore." Chan screamed. He was in disbelief.

Felix inched closer to the panicked male and spoke "Listen listen calm down! No one could see me because I was 5 years old and didn't have my full form yet. I'm technically not supposed to be here, but I left my village without telling anyone. I couldn't let you pass at age 18, you're way too young for this, and didn't deserve any of what happened. I knew I would be able to give you a better life with my powers, so here I am. I'm here, I'm real, I could even show you! You can touch me! I'm a real being! Not quite human but I'm real!"

Chan sat in shock as he watched the young looking male stand up from the bed.

All of a sudden, there was wings.

The wings looked beautiful. Light green and blue that was so light you could see through them. The wings moved lightly.

Chan stood up from the bed and walked over to Felix. "Show me your full fairy form, then I may believe you"

"As you wish sir" the blond male smiled, before disappearing in think air.

It took Chan a split second to find where Felix was floating, but then easily found the younger up in the corner.

The small fairy circled around him, and trail of glitter left behind. He then left Chan from behind and went over to the bedroom window. Chan followed the little glitter trail over to the window, to see the view of his home town. The town Chan had first met Felix. His home town in Australia.

"Hey little fairy? How did you get me here? Your powers?" He asked the small fairy.

He knew he wasn't going to get a reply seeing Felix was in his fairy form.

Then the fairy let once again, heading out the door and into an unknown area. Chan decided to follow the golden glitter trail again.

As he left the bedroom, he was met with a large white room with a white L shaped couch and mounted TV on the opposite wall.

"This... this apartment. How did you get an apartment in this building? This is the building dad lives in... I haven't seen dad in so long... does he know? Is he still here?" Chan mumbled to himself.

All of a sudden he felt a light weight on his back.

"He knows everything... we can visit him later I promise." A voice behind him spoke.

Chan remembers his love for Felix. He remembers everything.

Chan was 13 when he had to leave Felix. He was forced to leave Australia due to his mom and dads split. He remembers the day so perfectly. Why?

That was the only day he had felt Felix.

The day he left for Korea, was the day Felix gained his full form. His full form at age 13.

When he was young, whenever he would try to feel Felix, he wasn't able to. When he would go to touch Felix it would feel like air. But on the younger boys 13th birthday, it was the day Chan could finally feel Felix.

He hugged Felix and cuddled him until he couldn't anymore. And just as Chan was about to go, Chan felt brave, "knowing" he would never see his friend again, he kissed the boy.

He remembers the lips. The lips were soft. The kiss was soft. So many unsaid things were said through the kiss. Chan remembers it fully. Feeling the weight of Felix on him again felt like heaven. Felix was shorter than him, it made it all the better.

Chan turned around and stared down on the shorter male.

The blond started feeling up the elders arms, staring at them sadly.

"You've lost so much muscle since you were 14... your arms were so big... I remember feeling them for the first time.. I wish you hadn't let yourself go. If you only knew I was here for you... I was with you the whole time, following you. I just couldn't show myself. I wasn't allowed." The boy spoke softly.

They stared at each other's eyes. Chan wanted to do something. He wanted to kiss the soft looking lips so bad. So he decided to do something.

The brown curly haired male softly placed his hands on the shorter males waist, and stared in his eyes.

Everything was so soft. He loved this touch. It melted him from the inside out.

He leaned in, and attached his lips to the youngers.

Sparks felt like they were coming from his body. The way they moved their lips was soft but passionate. It started slow but soon became needy. Felix guided them to the sofa, pushed the elder down, and started straddling him, without breaking the kiss.

So much touching, so much love, so much everything. Felix was so everywhere, it was overwhelming.

Chan added tongue into the kiss, adding more passion and less speed.

Their tongues clashing together, teeth hitting each other, hands everywhere. It was messy, but neither cared. All they cared for was the touch they were missing for so long.

Suddenly the kiss was broken, Chan started trailing small kisses down the smallers jawline, then down onto his neck. Kissing so lightly that it made Felix lightly giggled.

"I missed you so much." The elder spoke between kisses.

Felix brought his hands to Chan's cheeks, pulled the brown haired males head up to his eye level, and then placed their foreheads together.

"I missed you too..."


Idk how to end a oneshot but here I am lol

Second oneshot of the book! Hope you enjoyed UwU~

- Alex

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