The Leader

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I was led to a large T-shaped building on an island, which was weird because the only access would be by boat, plane, or helicopter. "Welcome to Titans Tower, HQ for the team." Beast Boy said. "Impressive, and it's on an island for security reasons right?" I said. "That and we figured, "build it on an island, government can't touch it". Beast Boy said. "That was a joke." he said as we walked in. I didn't laugh We took the elevator up to the main floor. "I have blueprints for the Tower so you can get a feel for it. We all had a hand in making it so I can't take credit." Cyborg said. I was flipping through channels on the TV when I saw "Back to the Future" playing. "Cyborg get over here! We have a movie to discuss." I said. "Which one?" he asked. "Great scott!" I exclaimed as an obvious hint. "Move over! We have time travel to see!" Cyborg exclaimed. "Okay, while you two are bonding over cars and hoverboards, I'll be in my room." Beast Boy said. "Hold on a sec there, pointy ears." I said.

I spent 5 seconds in his room and allowed him to step in. "What did you do?" Beast Boy exclaimed. "Like it?" I asked. He turned to me, anger in his eyes. "No I don't! My room, my rules! Just because you're our temporary leader doesn't mean you go cleaning my room!" He yelled. "Wow I haven't heard that much anger since I flooded the bathroom back home. Bye." I said as I ran back to the sofa. "You nearly missed the part where Doc backs the Delorean out of the truck. Oh, by the way, even a temporary leader needs this." Cyborg said, holding a compact device in his hand. This is your Titans Communicator. It has a webcam, microphone, tracker, built-in screen. Stuff like that. Yours has a few extra functions that the others don't. " he said. "Why is it black?" I asked. "The one over there is yellow." I said. " You get to keep this one. I may have added that cool logo you have on the back. " Sure enough, it was there. "Thanks Cyborg." I said. We continued watching the movie. Suddenly, a siren sounded and the team huddled around a large screen that came up from a hole in the center of the room. "What's up?" I asked. "Movie will have to be recorded. We have the HIVE to deal with. They're a group of supervillains trained at an academy to create mass chaos." Cyborg said. Sounds like high school bullies I thought. "It looks like they're going for the bank." Raven said. "Alright then, let's go." I said. I transformed and flew through the ceiling. "Cool." Raven said.

Later in front of the bank...

"Alright hand over the money and I won't have to blast you." Gizmo said. "I'm not sure about that. Guns aren't toys." I said, invisible. "Who said that?" he said. With Gizmo distracted, I appeared right in front of him. "AAAAH!" Gizmo exclaimed. "Looks like you've seen a ghost. I don't hurt kids, but if you surrender now, I'll make my team go easy on yours." I said. "You don't scare me." Gizmo said. I blasted a hole through the crumbling wall behind him with a ghost ray. "What about now, tiny?" I asked. Gizmo stood there, shocked. And then said two words: "I surrender." he said. "Great. One down and four to go. I'll be back, stay here and touch nothing and no one." I said. With Gizmo taken care of I called Cyborg on the communicator. "Cy, I got Gizmo. He's not that tough, you sure he leads these rejects?" I asked. "Normally we'd have to toss him around a bit. You're doing great." Cyborg said. "Thanks. Who's next?" I asked. "There's one called Jinx. She's very tricky. You can probably tell by her name that--" "She spreads bad luck wherever she goes like standing on a sidewalk crack under a ladder on Friday the 13th?" I finished. "Well, if you want to put it that way, there's a clearer explanation." Cyborg said. "Does she have pink hair?" I asked. "Yeah." he said. "I see her. I'll tell you when I'm done." I signed off and flew over to the other side of the sidewalk. "This is so easy it's like taking candy from--" "A baby? Sadly, I disapprove of the mistreatment of infants by a girl who apparently landed head first in a cotton candy machine." I said. "That's not why it's pink. I've never told anyone why! I just want peace while I ruin everyone else's." she said. She released a blast of energy, which I deflected with a ghost ray. The blast veered off course, hitting a car causing an explosion. "Look, you're probably just bitter because of your powers. I assume not all this was caused by Tiny and the Happy Time Gang?" I said, referring to her teammates. "We're known as the HIVE Five, and I doubt that you know anything about me!" she said, a car flipping over, hitting a fire hydrant, and releasing a torrent of water on top of them. "So are you a fan of orange? Because once you're locked up your wardrobe is limited." I said, releasing a blast of energy. Jinx was knocked back but did a flip, avoiding the rest of the impact, sending it through a building. "I forgot to ask, where's Robin? You're not my usual match when it comes to combat." she said. "He's in the hospital for at least a week. They call me Danny Phantom." I said. "Why?" she asked. "You're not noticing the green glowing eyes or white hair?! How should I explain this?" I said, turning invisible. Jinx stood there blasting at the spot I disappeared from. I dropped a pebble on her head from above and reappeared floating above her. "First thing, never underestimate me. Second thing, manhole." "Manhole?--aaaaah!" she screamed dropping into the sewer system and me fishing her out. "Manhole." A beeping came from my communicator. "Cy, I have Jinx. What's up on your end?" I asked. "Two in ten minutes. Impressive. We're almost done with the others. I called the police before." he said. "Great, I'll keep an eye on Gizmo and Jinx." I signed off and joined her with Gizmo. "Okay, I was way off with Tiny here being leader. He surrendered immediately! So that leaves you, Pinky." I said. "Danny, police are here and we rounded up the others. "Great, we'll leave it to them to book them and go visit Robin." I said. The Titans and I made our way to the hospital.

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