" It's over"

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I believe in you
I gave you all the best
Of me and still was your
What a disappointment my love
We made a good team
And still do not hesilate to play
With me
You made dust what we had
I looked for a thousand ways
To fall
In love and still
You played cat and mouse
That I was delusional
I was just
Your entertainment,
My mother said
"That man always played with freeling , that he would not give up all of me"
And even so I did
I believed in you ,
I gave you everything
And even so I was
Your training
What a delusion I was
What a disappointment
My love
We made a good team and
Still you did not hesitate
To play with
Now the chips have changed
Now the player has changed
It will be impossible
For you to win
This time
It's over
I was just your
I believed in you
And still you played cat and mouse
We made a good team
And you made
It all dusty
You didn't hesitate
To play with me
So kick the board
For a new game
With out you
The players changed
I was just your
I believed in you
And you played
With me
You me it all dust
This is the end
Of the game

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