" No more"

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I got tired of being the well be heaved girl
Tired of being told what to do and say
If they knew that there is fire inside of me
They would not understand that it burns more and more
I don't want silly rules of this fuckimg game anymore
Fatigue was stronger
Now I will be free
If you are ready , the ship will sail at dawn
Here there no rules , only freedom
You can be who you want
Fatigue has overcome this body
Sometimes I feel suffocated
I don't want to be that well be haved girl anymore the one who
Should smile even though it's broked inside
So if you are ready the ship will said at dawn
There are no rules here
Just freedom
Come cheer up!
You can be who you want
Come on let's go
Freedom is the limit
I know that you want
I know you want it
So if you are ready , the ship leaves at dawn

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