Chapter Twenty-Two

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That next weekend happened to be Y/N's birthday weekend. She didn't care much for the attention on that day every year, so she was always quiet about it when it came around.

However, there were people in her life that wanted nothing but to celebrate her on her day. You can guess who.

"Happy Birthday Bitch!" Becca shouted, coming into her apartment unannounced. She shouldn't have given her a spare key. "You're so lucky your birthday's on a Saturday. Mine was on a Monday this year. That was shit. I had classes most of the day. Who wants to hear freaking lectures for 8 hours when you're turning 22?"

She had made her way into the loft and was setting a bottle of champagne and orange juice on the counter with a sparkling object in her hand that Y/N couldn't quite make out in her sleepy haze.

Raising from her pillow, she sent her best friend a nice glare mixed with a squint as she adjusted to the bright natural light that flooded her apartment. Before falling back with a thud onto her bed, she let out a long groan pointed toward the morning person.

"Wakey, wakey Princess. No sleeping in today! We have to take advantage and celebrate every minute this day has to offer! You're 24!" Becca shouted in a sing-songy voice and jumped multiple times on her bed.

"I thought the birthday girl would get to sleep in as a gift," Y/N said in a groggy and scratchy voice.

"I did let you sleep in," Becca shrugged, smiling widely at her.

Y/N sent a stern glare. "It's 7:32 in the morning."

"I know. I gave you a whole extra hour and 2 minutes," Becca said with a shit eating grin.

"You're asking to die, aren't you?" Y/N said, throwing a pillow at her and fell back again with a huff. "Don't forget, I know how to get away with murder."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You love me and you know it. Now get up," she said jumping closer to Y/N's head.

"Ugh, I'm up! Get away from me," Y/N swatted at her lazily.

When she did finally get up from her sleeping position, she moved the mess of hair out of her face.

"You better make me a mimosa before I step foot out of this bed," she pointed her finger at her.

"Anything for you, Birthday Princess." Becca fluttered her eyelashes as she threw the shiny object from earlier crookedly on her friend's head. It was a tiara. "What do you want for breakfast? We can go out to a brunch place. I can make you something here. I'll have to go to the corner store to grab some things, but I can make it work for ya."

"Give me like 5 minutes to wake up, and I'll let you know. Also, get the mimosa's going and turn on the coffee pot," she pointed to the kitchen as she threw her legs over the bed. She paused and rolled her head back before stretching. "You're lucky I love you because, I would definitely have you 6 feet in the ground right now if I didn't."

"You're all bark with no bite." Becca scrunched her nose at her as she moved to the kitchen.

"You know that's not true," Y/N laughed, with a hint of warning.

"Go pee and get back out here for your birthday juice. I'll get the coffee going."

Y/N just waved her off as she moved to the bathroom.

After a cup of coffee and one mimosa, Y/N had finally woke up some. She was sitting at one of the barstools at the kitchen island/ bar and Becca stood on the other side adding irish cream to Y/N's second cup of coffee. Apparently she wanted her drunk all day.

"So what are your plans with my brother today?" Becca asked as she leaned on the counter.

"I don't know. He just told me he'd come pick me up for a special evening at around 6. Apparently he has a whole thing mapped out," Y/N shrugged, smiling at the idea of the blue-eyed dream man.

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