Chapter Twenty-One

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The next week, Sarah asked Bucky if he'd like to join them for their Sunday dinner. It wasn't something out of the ordinary, considering Bucky used to come over quite a bit for Sunday dinner. But now it was a little different as he had a different tie to the family.

"Ok, so what's new?" Sarah asked as she sat down last, having served everyone else finally and making sure everyone was settled. "How's the apartment, Mini?"

"It's coming along. I got a majority of everything unpacked. There's still a few boxes I've been procrastinating on..." she answered. "But, I've gotten quite a few new decorations up, or made some, so the place is for sure more lively than the beginning of this week."

"Good," Sarah grinned. "Steve, anything new with you?"

"Besides work? Not really. Oh, Clint and I went to a new pub in his part of town with Nat. Bucky, Y/N/N, I'll have to take you next time we're over there. It was a neat little place."

"That's all that's happened in the last week? Work and one stop at a pub?" Y/N chuckled before taking a bite of food.

Steve set her a glare with a shake of his head.

"Yes, that's all. Sorry my life isn't exciting enough for you," he stuck out his tongue.

Y/N sent the same look back and they both had a silent fight through their eyes. Bucky laughed and shook his head with their mom.

"Not that I find your life not exciting, Steve," Sarah chimed in. "But when was the last time you did something more fun than work and going to a restaurant?"

"I don't know. Not much time for anything else, I guess," he shrugged. "Why am I getting a therapy lesson on my social life all of a sudden though? You haven't asked Bucky about his week. Change the subject to him," Steve pouted, shoving food in his mouth trying to keep from being the center of attention.

Y/N rolled her eyes and Sarah took a breath.

"I'm sorry, you're right. Bucky, how have you been? Anything exciting?" she grinned widely at the brunette.

"Uh, honestly, it's been a busy week at work for me too. However, Y/N and I did go to a farmers market this weekend and dropped by a shop local festival downtown as well. Found some really cool new stores we'll have to go back to," he winked to Y/N who smiled at him.

It was true. Winnie Barnes had been part of the shop local group and they went to support. They grabbed some coffee, Y/N of course grabbing a new book for another time, and then they set out on the town. The hit thrift stores, vintage stores, boutiques, some outdoorsy shops that Bucky found a swiss knife in and went on a whole rant on about how it was from the 1940's and was in pretty amazing condition for it's age. It was cute to see him so excited about the little thing.

"It was a neat little adventure for the weekend," Y/N nodded. "Speaking of, I'll have to bring Peggy to it hopefully when she's in town."

It was subtle how she brought up the friend's name, and the only other person in the room who knew her intentions was Bucky. He paused in his bite and looked to Y/N with a raised eyebrow. As if silently asking, "Now?"

Y/N just chuckled and sent him a mischievous smirk.

"Who's Peggy?" Steve questioned, as he took a bite of a roll.

Bucky blinked slowly before sitting back in his chair and finishing his bite. He knew how Steve was going to react if Y/N even hinted at possibly setting him up.

"Isn't that your host friend from London?" Sarah asked, dapping her lips with a napkin.

"Yes, that's her. She was recently offered a job here in New York. We always talked about her coming to visit anyway, but now she has a legit reason," Y/N explained, casually taking a drink.

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