Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that's nice. What's she doing for a living?" Sarah asked.

"She actually had a part in a science department within the military over there. She oversaw a new experimentation/ project they were doing in hopes of helping their recruits, but after a few years, she stepped down to work within law enforcement. She's looking into a job as a Victim Advocate now," Y/N answered, peeking to Steve to see any reaction. "She had a calling for it and if you ask me, she's amazing at the job."

"Sounds like an experienced gal," Steve noted, nodding his head as he took another bite of food.

"She is," Y/N smiled pridefully at her friend.

"What exactly does a victim advocate do?" Sarah asked. "I mean from context, I can guess, but law enforcement wise?"

"Basically they're people that we would be assigned to say a domestic violence case, possible homicide victim, whole families that have been involved in some messy things, I mean the list goes on," Bucky began to explain. "They would help them find a safe place, get them into counseling, help them maneuver through life to feel more comfortable and safe after any unfortunate things had happened to them."

"We have a few in our department we work close with," Steve nodded. "Where is she looking at in New York?" Steve asked Y/N, looking up from his plate.

"Um, not sure. I didn't get that much information, but I know it's somewhere in Manhattan," Y/N grinned while taking a bite of food.

"Well, when she does come, she's more than welcome to stay in your old room if she needs a place to stay," Sarah smiled sweetly. "That and you'll have to bring her around so I can thank her for taking care of you all those years."

"Sure thing, Ma. I can tell you she's already excited to meet you."

"So is she your age?" Steve asked curiously. Y/N couldn't tell if it was out of interest or just genuine curiosity.

"Uh, no. She's about four years older. So a year older than you and Buck," Y/N answered.

"And she was in the military?" He continued. His attempt to be nonchalant was wearing off as Y/N noticed it was indeed interest that he was showing.

"Yes, she actually was quite high up in the ranks with her background. They called her Agent Carter in the field," Y/N added.

"From what Y/N's told me, she sounds like one who can hold her own. I think Nat and her would get along well," Bucky said. He was trying to keep it as simple and casual as possible.

"Sounds like it," Steve nodded. "I'm excited to meet her."

Y/N couldn't help the wide smile that formed on her face as she sent Bucky the look with wide eyes with it.

He read the, "It's working," look on her features and he winked with a lazy shake of his head at her excitable self. She was a dork.

Once the dinner and long conversations were had, they all said their farewells to Sarah and made their way home.

Having picked Y/N up on the way, Bucky took her home as well.

"I think it worked. I mean we at least peaked his interest," she cheered quietly as she went to unlock her apartment door.

"I think he has no clue what your doing, and there's a good chance if he finds out, there may be another wrestling match on your mom's lawn," Bucky chuckled, putting his hand on the small of her back as they walked in.

"Eh, I'll be discreet. He'll never even notice I'm secretly setting them up," she said, turning and wrinkling her nose at him before kicking off her shoes at the front door.

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