chapter 5

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It has only been a few days since Nikita was in site T.  

Y/n had a meeting with Cinder and Adam.

The two sat down and Y/n joined seconds later.

Cinder: Why are we here Y/n?

Y/n: Because, we're behind schedule.  Some of my secondary stashes have been stolen.   I know exactly who did it.

Adam: And why are we here?

Y/n: Because. Nikita isn't ready for the field. Dex is taking my place at site T for now.  And the man who is in charge of the raids is a slippery bastard.  If he escapes the dust is at risk.

Cinder: Who are we going after exactly?

Y/n: Frank Genna.  His crew calls themselves the golden axes.  

Cinder: So what's his problem with you?

Y/n: Apparently he got insulted with the deal I attempted to make him.  I didn't think he'd be this much of a man-child about it.

Adam: So what's the plan.

Y/n: Surround his headquarters, slaughter everyone inside, and then go get lunch.  No white fang except you Adam.  I want you're people focused on the task at hand.

Adam: Very well.

The trio got into trucks and rode to the hideout.   

Y/n: We probably got about five minutes before the cops mobilize. So let's try to get out before too many show up.  

Y/n's henchmen got out of the trucks and began running towards the building. The front guards were instantly killed and the force moved into the building.  

The golden axe thugs met the attackers with gunfire.  The building was completely surrounded and there was no way of escaping. 

The defenders attempted to barricade themselves in rooms.  They found that to be no use as grenades were tossed into rooms along with toxic gas.

  Y/n: Cinder. Get the trucks of dust and get them out of here.

Cinder: Sure.

Y/n: You're with me Adam. Let's find the snake.

They went up the stairs. Floor after floor either had Y/n's men clearing rooms or in a firefight. 

They reached the last floor.  Frank had his men set up at the end of the hall. They opened fire on Y/n and Adam who took cover.

Frank: You're going to regret this Y/n!

Y/n: You mean like you're regretting attacking my stashes!?

Y/n pulled out his radio.

Y/n: I need men at my location. 

The sound of running at the stairs were heard. A squad of Y/n's henchmen stayed right below Y/n and Adam.

Henchman: Boss!

Y/n: I need you lot to provide cover fire for us. 

Henchmen: Yes boss!

Y/n: We need to move fast Adam.

Adam: Make sure you can keep up.

The henchmen moved positions and began opening fire on the defenders. They took cover to avoid being hit. Y/n and Adam booked it towards them and reached them.

This made the defenders panic.  Frank ran towards his office which Y/n gave chase. 

Frank was cornered in his own office. Y/n pointed his pistol at him.

Frank: Maybe we can make a deal?

Y/n: I got a deal. I kill you and be done with it.

Y/n shot Frank in the chest making him fall backwards. He fell on the floor and Y/n stood over him. Y/n shot him in the chest until his gun was empty.

Y/n: Nobody fucks with me and kills my men.   

Y/n exited to see the defenders were dead for the most part.

The remaining defenders were rounded up and shot. 

The Vale police department showed up in force. Y/n's henchmen got ready.

Y/n: We shoot our way to the trucks and get out. Let's go!

The doors opened and Y/n's henchmen tossed grenades at the cops who took cover. 

Y/n's henchmen ran out and shot as they moved.  They rushed to the trucks and got into them.  

They took off in a hurry, under fire.

The chase was on. But Y/n had a plan. 

Y/n pulled out his radio.

Y/n: Bring in the rain.

A helicopter flew over them. It had explosive barrels with a timed explosive strapped to them.

The helicopter dropped it payload. It hit the ground in front of the cops and exploded, stopping them in their tracks. 

The henchmen laughed at the cops as they drove away.  The helicopter went a different route, ensuring that they weren't followed. 

The trucks rolled into the warehouse quickly.

Everyone got out of the trucks. Cinder approached Y/n.

Cinder: I'm assuming it went well?

Y/n: Of course. I'll round up any of that idiot's crew. And have a nice bit of extra business with it.

Cinder: We're back on track now right?

Y/n: Yeah.  I'm going to site T.  Have fun.

Y/n walked outside.

Adam: Something about site T worries me.

Cinder:  How so?

Adam: What does he do to people in there?

Cinder: Something tells me it may be better not to know. But at the same time my curiosity gets the better of me.

Adam: What's to stop him from doing the same to us?

Cinder: He's only gone for women so far. But just in case. Don't piss our boss off.

Cinder walked away and Adam shook his head.

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