Chapter 10- Pissing Your Pants to the Point of Floating Is Attractive

Start from the beginning

She looks around, and smiles sheepishly.

"I did it again?"

Daniel's POV

I hit the desk in frustration, glaring at the package.

Another one came in. The first one consisted of a letter threatening Ava, a picture of her watching TV with me, and a pig's head. Not sure what the pig head was supposed to do, intimidate me maybe?

I know Ava didn't kill the staff members. I only pretended to so she'd leave, away from whoever is trying to kill her. They can clearly come in our castle, so at the time pushing her away seemed like the only solution. I don't care if she hates me, as long as she's safe.

It turns out, no matter where she goes she's in danger. The second package is a picture of her throwing clothes out of a window, along with a note saying 'getting closer.'

A powerful witch is coming today to locate my mate. I know her friend, Jenn, is also a witch, so she must be covering her tracks somehow. Though, whatever she does won't be strong enough to stop this one.

"Baby." A seductive voice purrs. I groan out loud, suddenly feeling an extreme need to smash someone's face into the wall. Perferably hers.

"Me and Ava are still getting married, our arranged marriage is over, now leave, Denise." I order. She's been following me for quite some time now, trying to convince me to forget about my mate. Hah, impossible.

She places her hand on my shoulder, and it takes every ounce of self-restraint I have to not rip it off.

"But baby, you and I would look so much better together. Imagine it, we're in a photoshoot, posing to show the world who the new vampire king and queen is. Me on top of you is a better pose, but standing next to each other is good too."

I roll my eyes. Why did I ever agree to the arranged marriage? I simply saw a picture of her and thought her eyes were pretty, so I said yes. Now, I'm regretting the choice. Maybe getting to know her would've been better.

"I'm not going to say it again. Leave." I reply, my jaw twitching from anger. I might snap if she stays in here for a second more.

Thankfully, her hand leaves and I hear her walk out.

Before she steps out completely, she turns around and says, "By the way, your dad told me to tell you that the witch is here."

With a satisfied smirk, she finally departs.

A middle aged woman walks in, her aura emitting darkness. This is not the type of witch I would've perferred, maybe one with less black magic, but I'm desperate.

I gesture at the seat in front of me, allowing her to sit. She takes the offer and places weird objects on the desk.

"You're looking for your lover, hm?" She asks, her voice deep and raspy.

I nod in confirmation.

"And along with her is a witch, correct?"

Again, I respond yes.

"Well, this will be quick, and I'll no longer owe you a deed."

A decade ago, I slaughtered every wreath in her village. They were terrorizing her family and friends, and they begged me to come in. She was grateful and gave me a number of deeds to me, all of which I have used.

Knowing that location spells require something from the person we're tracking, I give her a hairbrush with small strands of Ava's brown hair.

She hums and begins to do her spell. I try to pay attention to what she's doing, but her eyes rolling in the back of her head and the witch language she's speaking in is distracting. If I can't sit straight through this, how will I handle being in the meetings where old men talk for hours about whatever topic they choose? Being king seems hard already.

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