Chapter 2: Clone vs Grimm

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'You get in the biggest fight with the people you care about the most' 

Lost!! as Clone Trooper CT-8751 "Tom" finds himself to world that is unknown to him and to the outer rim after surviving  the counter attack of the droid army  General Ironwood and his Specialist Winter are in a search of the strange anomaly that was found  in their radar after Tom was separated by his legion from the portal as we join Tom journey as he is looking for civilization hoping to contacted to the republic not knowing that Atlas was on search for him until Tom stumble upon a Town that the people who are living in fear of the creatures who attack the town 


Tom was walking in to the town he found wearing his Phase 2 armor as people was looking at him in fear as Tom look at the townsfolks as they quickly hides inside their homes and building as Tom was carrying his DC-15a as was looking around the town as it was been though rough times until he hear something in the alleyway as ready his blaster as he rushed in only find a only scared 8 year old girl hiding behind trash can

Tom: "Aw geez kid you scared me"

The girl was still hiding behind the trash can in fear as Tom place his blaster to ground as the people were looking at him fearing that he might hurt the girl as Tom reach his hand to the girl as she bit his index finger as he pulled his hand away and shaking his hand in pain

Tom: "OW!" 'Kid bit me'

Girl: "Get Away from me Monster!"

Tom stop was he doing as see her going behind the trash can as he remove his weapons off him and proceeds to remove his helmet showing his face as the girl of is slowly get out of hiding from the trash can as he place his helmet in front of him as he was still on his knee 

Tom: "It alright I'm not going to hurt you see I'm flesh and blood just like you"

The girl look at Tom with a scared face as he notice that the girl is hungry as he grabbed his food ration and gave it to the girl as she sniffed the food and then grabbed it off his hand as she was eating it which made Tom smile to the girl as everyone came out of hiding to meet the clone as she points at Tom

Girl: "Brother"

Tom: *chuckle* "No I'm Tom"

Girl: "Brother"

Tom smile as the girl as the mayor of the town came upon to the clone trooper as he got off his knee and later putting his helmet back on and holster his weapons as Tom face the Mayor

Mayor: "Hello sir I'm a mayor of this town and may I ask are you a Atlas solider or a Huntsman"

Tom: "What no none what you say I'm part of Clone Army of the Galactic Republic may I ask what happened to this town"

Mayor: "Well you see sir the Grimm attack this town we called every Huntsman and Huntress to help but mostly some came some didn't for those who came fought the Grimm but didn't came back alive so we ask Atlas to help but they didn't get the message as we tried to fight back the grimm other including thinking we should leave this town"

Tom grabbed his DC-15 and loaded it as he turn to face the Mayor 

Tom: "where did the Grimm go to"

The mayor points at the woods as Tom looks at the direction where he pointing to as Tom grabbed his gear and starts moving to the forest 

Mayor: "Wait you can't go alone you will die"

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