Chapter 1

8.1K 157 12

Hope- 17

Arianna- 8

Arianna was in trouble. Again.

It shouldn't be a shock at this point. She was getting into trouble at least once every day and she didn't care. To be honest, she saw getting into trouble that often as an achievement since she barely went to her classes and spent most of her time away from teachers who could punish her for her behaviour. She saw her behaviour as good, or at least she didn't see it as bad at all. The way she behaved made her happy and so she wasn't going to stop.

Since she came to the Salvatore Boarding School, things had only gotten worse when it came to her behaviour. After meeting her father two years ago, she had seen him a total of three times and none of them had been after her mother had died. Now, she was alone. She knew it was okay to miss her mother and to be saddened by her death but the girl had no idea why she missed Klaus when she barely knew him and he quite clearly didn't care about getting to know his daughter. She was left with Alaric looking after her in a school she didn't want to be in and with practically no control over the powers only her mother had been able to keep in check.

As Arianna sat on a chair opposite Alaric at his desk, there was a knock at the door. The girl looked up and watched as Alaric walked across the room to let in whoever it was that was at the door.

Niklaus Mikaelson.

That was the first face Arianna saw as the four adults entered the room. Along with Klaus, there were two other men and a woman who she didn't recognise.


There was a sense of uncertainty in the young girl's voice. Her father hadn't been interested in her up until now so why was he suddenly there with these strangers at her school.

"Dad?!" the younger looking of the two unknown men spoke up.

The three strangers were clearly shocked and almost confused by Arianna and they all looked at her father as if awaiting an explanation which the man reluctantly gave.

"This is my daughter, Arianna-"

"AJ"the girl butted in. She hated people using her full name.

Klaus rolled his eyes and carried on, "Right, AJ. Hope's half-sister. She must be like 5 or 6 now"


"Whatever," Klaus was clearly just as frustrated by the situation as Arianna was, "These are my brothers, Kol and Elijah, and one of my sisters, Rebekah."

The hybrid pointed at each one in turn and the one he introduced as Elijah looked over at his brother with clear disapproval.

"You have a secret second child?" it was clear he was trying to stay calm.

"Technically I had a secret second child because you know now."

"Niklaus, this is not a game! The poor girl deserves better than this!"

Arianna flinched a little as Elijah raised his voice slightly at her father. She knew that he deserved it but she hated being spoken about as if she wasn't there.

Rebekah interrupted the argument as she spoke to Alaric, "Hang on, if she is here and she is in trouble, why call us and not her mother."

Arianna growled lowly at that and Alaric spoke, "Her mother died almost a year ago now. She was brought here and I have been raising her since. Klaus was told about the situation but he made it quiet clear that he wasn't interested in stepping up for his daughter. The problem is that she was only gotten worse and she needs her family."

Elijah looked over at the little girl with concern, "How can we help?"

Alaric looked at him, "Well, there is a new building, a house really which has been built as extra bedrooms and facilities for if we need extras for guests or anything like that.  I was thinking you and the rest of your family could move in there. I'll help move in Arianna and even Hope if you want. I think being with her family would be good for her."

Elijah nodded slightly and looked to Rebekah, "Get the others and bring our things here. We can stay here."

Klaus opened his mouth to speak but Elijah quickly cut him off before he got the chance.

"No, Niklaus. You don't get a say. Not after this. I thought you were better than this. The father you turned yourself into for Hope would have never done this."

The hybrid growled but Rebekah simply pulled him outside of the office with her while she called Hayley to tell her what was happening.

Alaric nodded slightly and also stepped out of the room leaving Elijah and Kol in the office with their niece.

Arianna looked up at the two Mikaelson brothers with distrust clear in her eyes. She had learned not to let people get close to her because that way she wouldn't get hurt. Of course, she knew that some people were different but she wasn't prepared to take the risk. Not after everything she had already lost. 

Elijah went over and crouched down to be at her height, "AJ? Is that what what you want us to call you?"

"That's what everyone calls me" the girl answered simply, "Anything is better than Arianna. I only get called that when I'm in trouble."

Elijah nodded slightly, "Well, I'm Uncle Elijah and this is my little brother, Kol. It's good to meet you, AJ. I'm sorry we never saw you before. We didn't know about you being here."

The girl shrugged, "That's okay. No one comes to see me since my mum died anyway. Not even Klaus."

Both of the men noticed her refusal to call Klaus her dad and it honestly didn't surprise them from what they knew about Klaus' relationship with his youngest daughter but they knew that needed to change. The girl had accepted that her father didn't want her and since she didn't know about any of her father's family, she had almost taught herself that she was the only one left. That she had no family.

Kol knew all too well how it felt. He remembered how unloved and abandoned he felt with the way his siblings acted and even then he knew that he still had family left and this little girl didn't even have that hope of family stepping in to save her. To pick her up again when she fell. It upset him and it made him angry towards Klaus for the way he had treated this little girl.

"Well, we are here now." Kol told her, "How about we sneak into the kitchen and find something sweet to snack on?"

Arianna smiled at that but Elijah shook his head.

"We are meant to be keeping her out of trouble, Kol. Not teaching her how to make more."

"Oh but Elijah this will keep her out of trouble. I can teach her how not to get caught. That way she can cause trouble and not get into any"

Arianna smiled brightly. She was already growing to like Kol. He had the same constant mischievous glint in his eye that she had. The same enjoyment of jokes and games and causing a little bit of trouble. She knew they would get along just fine.

"Kol, for once in your life be the responsible one."

Kol smirked at that, "I think I'll pass."

He playfully and mischievously winked at Arianna and nodded towards the door.

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