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Now you have your Earn Coins, and you can start earning coins by watching ads everyday so you don't need to buy coins to read a paid stories!

Now you have your Earn Coins, and you can start earning coins by watching ads everyday so you don't need to buy coins to read a paid stories!

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It will now looks like this!
I swear, do every process as I say! Trust me it works!

But little disclaimer I want you to keep the turbo vpn, don't uninstall it so if some bugs bother you and the earn coins vanish again, you just need to do the same thing.

When it vanish again I want you to do this!

Step 1: Clear Wattpad data on settings.

Step 2: Turn on turbo vpn and connect it to Canada.

Step 3: Go to wattpad and log in your wattpad once again.

Step 4: Turn of turbo vpn and then go to your profile in wattpad.

Step 5: Refresh it and there you go!

If some reason this won't work for you, I want you to continue reading into my last chapter of this tutorial!

How to have the "EARN COINS" pop up in your wattpad?Where stories live. Discover now