Chapter 1 : Summoning and Status

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" welcome to Laturey, brave heroes. I am Lerres Laturey, the king of this country. I know all of you have question in mind but please listen to us first. " (King)

This was the first thing i and the others heard after been forcefully summoned, at first i really wanted to say " after forcefully summoning us, don't you have to apologize first ? " but didn't say it and started looking around. It was a big and pointlessly luxurious chamber, almost everything was golden in colour the door, chandelier, window and statue, all the statues were the generations of kings from the looks of it, a big red carpet was spread from the door to the king's chair and the king's chair was silver in colour with diamonds placed all over it and besides it was the queen's chair with the same colour but less diamonds, from the the arrengement of the room i deduced that this was the Throne chamber.

For me this chamber was way to grand to the point almost tasteless, i mean almost everything was gold maybe they wanted to made this place grand to overwhelm and to proved the richness they possesses to the people who saw this room but, this room was just tasteless and that's it. In the room there were many people in the room but i had counted eight peoples that looks pretty important, the first five were the king and his family, the queen and three princess, a young knight with the best equipment, a bald and old priest and lastly the head maid or at she least looks like it.

Hm ? the bald priest and king somehow looked surprised and started to whispered to each other while looking at me, i have a bad feeling about this but now listening to the kings explanation was more important. Noticing my gaze the king recompose himself and looked at naoki and the others who still couldn't understand the situation and started talking. Did he just ignore me ?.

" heroes, please excuse me for the delay but let me introduce you all to my family and retainers " (king)
" my name is Cessia Laturey, the queen of this country. It is an honor to meet you all. " (queen)
" i am the first princess of Laturey kingdom, Reshia Laturey. Pleased to meet you all. " (Reshia)
" the second princess of Laturey kingdom, Anna Laturey. Please call me, Anna, let us get along from now on " (Anna)
" ano..... i am Alice Laturey, ......third princess of Laturey kingdom..... please call me Alice " (Alice)
" please excuse her, hero-sama, she is a shy girl " (King)
" .......gomennasai " (Alice)

The queen and the three princess introduced themself with majestic feeling and beautiful bow except the third princess, Alice, who cutely and meekly introduced herself. Is it my imagination that the other princess's and queen was looking at Alice with hate in their eyes ? and while Naoki was still confused, Reki already got his heart taken by the princess's. You just summoned here, forcefully, and woman was all it takes to calm you ? i was speechless. after that the young knight, old priest and the maid step forward a step and introduced themself.

" everyone, i am the head commander of the Laturey kingdom knights, Zerra Ortros. Even though i am still inexperience i will be the heroes trainer from here on out, pleased to work with you " (zerra)

If Naoki was a bishounen then this guy was ikemen. He got a sharp look with gentle demeanor and the way he acts was like a royalty. I guess that much was expected from the head knight of the kingdom. Oi, shina why do you look like you find a new love ? don't you only like Naoki ? damn, never thought a bitch was this close to me.

" hero-sama and his party, i am the high priest of the church of heroes, a church commited to hero-sama and his party, Jukes Eor. Please know that your wills are our command. " (Jukes)

The priest was a bald person with gentle feeling but somehow it feels fake and his fashion senses was as bad as this room, all gold with diamond decorations. and priest-san, is it okay to throw a line like that so easily ? " your wills are our command " that was quite the statement you better don't regret that.

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