Chapter 0 : Prologue

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It was a black prison, located in the underground far from the eye and ear of the society. Anyone kept there was either a criminal of the cruelest crime or just unlucky, and I was in the unlucky category. I was In the deepest and lowest level of the prison, in a cell devoid of light. Any other person put there was already long dead or went crazy but I was unmistakably alive physically and mentally: for better or for worse.

I was thrown in here by the people who selfishly summoned me here but didn't wanted to take responsibility, with the excuse of me being accidently summoned and that my existence itself was heretical. All the while covering the fact that they threw me into a prison after they had done torturing me in the most painful way possible. What they had done to me was enough to make any other person insane. The things that kept me from going insane were the other two people inside the cell. Drifting into a deep sleep, I escaped from the darkness of my cell into my dreams.


It was Friday, rain was pouring relentlessly. The only thing you could hear were the sound of rain-drops. However, it was not the same in my classroom. Even though the scene outside was raining it was not enough to put out the heated laughter of the other three people in the classroom. I, Kagero kogami, was resting my head on top of my desk, for me the time I spent in school was extremely tiring.

Why was that ? Because in school I was deprived of my only entertainment anime and light novels: in other words I was an otaku. I spent my days in my room watching anime and reading novels, but well, because of my hardwork my grades were slightly above the average. My hair was a little longer than most but by no means untidy, and I was a quiet student who didn't interact with my classmates, which developed to bad rumors.

Overall I was a normal student in a normal highschool but just because of my love for anime and light novel, most of the student in my class, boy or girl, looked at me with prejudice and sometime mocked me. " What's so wrong with loving anime and light novel, japans greatest inventions ?" This was something that I wanted to shout everytime I was mocked but I knew that I alone would only be crushed by the whole class if I ever voiced my opinion. That was why I chose to just ignored everything my classmates said, what I liked is my business and no one would make me choice otherwise. Even if they tried to force me.

And that was why I viewed my time in school as time where I recharged my reality-o-meter, by forcing myself to face reality. Enduring mockery aimed at me, pretending to be fine and unaffected in front of my teachers and parents, and being made to realize that reality was not sweet like my imagination, which i already knew, over and over again until I was sick of it. To endure all of this while maintaining my line between reality and imagination I acquired a mentality to accept, recognize, and analyze everything and anything thrown at me and make adjustments based on the situation. Indifferent: this word was the best word to describe me. Being mocked, harassed and pitied none of this effect me anymore and the result my facial expression was the embodiment of poker face. Neither laughing or angry it was truly devoid of any emotion human possessed, but this was only my outward facade.

There were only a few things that could make a smile appear on my face. Mainly anything related to my hobbies, meaning anime or light novels. These two things could drag out my true self. When I was in my room alone my face regained emotions. iI may have had the apperance of indifferent person outside but the real me was a person who express himself according to what I read and watched.

But there was also one existence that can make me smile. That existence was the student council president of my school, Hanashaki Saya, the girl who had attained idol-like status in my school. Flowing, long, natural blonde hair that reached her hips with enchanting blue eyes like lapis lazulli combined with her pale white skin and you got the idol of the school, the one called " moonlight vampiress. " The reason why she was called that was because " Her beauty is too enchanting, almost inhuman, a beauty that cannot be ruined by mere time " said the president of her secret fan club and also the one who spread her nickname. Her height reached almost 165 cm , her body was curved out where it's supposed to curved out and curved in where it's supposed to curved in. The only thing that not curved out were her breasts. They were flat with so little to looked at, but she made up for it with a perfect butt, not too big and not too small but had the shape of peaches, just perfect.

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