Chapter 13

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I woke up late in the morning. Around 12. I decided to call in sick today. I could use on day off office. I texted Rivanya that I won't be coming today. The dreams were still freaking me out. They came out of nowhere. I read somewhere that dreams are a way connecting with our subconscious mind.

I noticed another text from Virat. I opened it:

Yesterday was nice. How about we make plans tonight once again?

I texted back:

Yeah sure.

I dialled Nishant's phone to tell the things going on recently but he didn't pick up. He is so busy. So, it is only a matter of days till he comes back.

I decided to take a shower and order the food. Shreyangi texted me, wanting to know what happened.
I told her everything:

We had a great time together. He was nice, funny and charming.

Yeah, sure. Just don't forget that Nishant loves you a lot.

I know. Its not like I want to date Virat. I am happy with Nishant.

Did you call him?

Yes, I did. But he didn't pick up.

Alright. How about we meet tonight?

I can't. I have plans with Virat tonight.

Okay. Maybe next time.


I ate and cleaned the house, watched some tv and took a nap. I woke up once again gasping for air, the same nightmare once again. They are becoming frequent. I checked the time, it was 6. I read a book.

I decided to get ready at 7:30. Virat is supposed to pick me up at 8.
I dialled Nishant's number, his number was switched off.
I texted him:

Call me when you can.

Virat was there exactly at 8. So punctual. He had a driver this time.

"Why a driver?"

"Well, my hands are going to be full tonight."

"In your dreams."

We took off to the restaurant.

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