Part 2

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You go inside and the music was loud and people were drinking or making out or getting High everywhere but you look for pansy and Astoria and you find them making out with each other and you walk over and pull them apart and you could tell they were drunk already
Y/n: "how are you both drunk when you have only just got here?"
Pansy: "no clue but I love it"
You chuckle
Astoria hands you a drink
Astoria: "drink up baby girl"
You take it and start drinking
Y/n: "what the fuck is this?"
Pansy: "fire whiskey with a little touch of alcohol"
Y/n: "oh my god"
You Chuckle and you pull pansy and Astoria over to the dance floor and pansy infront of you and Astoria behind you and Astorias hands on your hips and your hands on pansys and your all dancing having fun when you look to your right and you make eye contact with someone in a black suit platinum blond hair but pansy makes you look at her
Pansy: "don't make any type of contact with him?"
Y/n: "what? Why?"
Pansy: "well he's a urm...."
Astoria: "mafia boss and anyone who makes contact with him well it normally doesn't end well"
Y/n: "bull shit"
Pansy: "just don't do anything"
Y/n: "right........"
You carry on dancing but then there it was you was in eye contact with him again but he looked angry or annoyed
Y/n: "am gonna stand outside I need fresh air"
You walk off and outside and stand behind the Back of the pub so there's no people and you pull out another cigarette and lit it and start smoking again when you feel a presence behind you
"How brave of you for keeping eye contact with me"
You turn around and there he was
Y/n: "oh urm..... am gonna go back inside"
You turn back around and slowly walk of when he pulls you back by your wrist
Y/n: "who even are you?"
He looks at you with anger
"Draco Malfoy"
Y/n: "no it can't be"
You heard that name so many times about him being the mafia boss
Draco: "and you are?"
Y/n: "y/n y/l/n"
Draco: "hmmm"
He pulls you closer to him
Y/n: "what the fuck?"
Draco: "be quiet"
Y/n: "let go of me"
Draco: "no now shut the fuck up!"
You try to get out of his grip but it was no use
Draco: "that's it!"
He picks you up over his soldier
Y/n: "what the fuck are you doing?"
Draco: "shut up"
He walks back into the party and carry's you over to pansy and Astoria and he goes up to them
Draco: "hey girls am taking y/n with me so don't go looking for her"
Pansy: "oh okay I guess just what do we tell her dad?"
Draco: "she passed out"
Y/n: "fuck no"
Draco: "shut up now see you later girls"
He walks out and he takes you over to a black car with windows you can't see through and he puts you in the back and locks the doors and he gets in the front
Y/n: "what are you doing?"
Draco: "we're going on a little holiday just it's not going to be a short one your staying there for 365 days exactly and you will find out more later now shut the fuck up"
You sigh and look out the window hoping what he said wasn't true what is he doing? what does he want? why me?
You rest your head against the window
Y/n: "do you have a blanket in here?"
He throws you a black silk blanket and you lift your legs up and lean your head against the window and you slowly pull the blanket over you and you slowly fall asleep........

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