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This Hogwarts feast was spectacular! Everyone was in their pyjamas, and the celebrations lasted all night. I didn't know whether the best bit was Hermione running towards us, screaming, "You solved it! You solved it!" or Justin hurrying over from the Hufflepuff table to wring Harry and I's hands and apologising endlessly for suspecting us, or Hagrid turning up at half past three, cuffing us all hard on the shoulders, or our thousand points securing Gryffindor the House Cup for the second year running, or people coming up to me and asking me excitedly what it was like to be possessed and kidnapped by Tom Riddle aka the Dark Lord, or Professor McGonagall standing up to tell us all that the exams had been cancelled as a school treat ("Oh, NO!" Hermione said), or Dumbledore announcing that, unfortunately, Professor Lockhart would be unable to return next year, owing to the fact that he needed to go away and get his memory back. Quite a few of the teachers joined in on the cheering that greeted this news.

"Shame." Ron said, helping himself to a jam doughnut. "He was starting to grow on me."


All of them that had went after me when I was in the Chamber, Lee, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and I sneaked into Dumbledore's office when he wasn't there. The twins had been badgering us to tell them in detail what had happened in there, the other boys wanted to know as well, and I wanted to know what had happened when they came after me, so we agreed that the best way was to, literally, take us on a trip down memory lane.

We all used the password that Terry had found out and darted up the spiral staircase. We slipped through the door into Dumbledore's office. Fred and George opened a cabinet and took out what I assumed was the Pensieve. They told me that they had found out that Dumbledore had one of these when they got sent up here and he was transferring memories to it once.

"Okay, Softpaw, you first with your memories of the diary and you talking with it and those blank periods, then when he kidnapped you, then Harry, you next with the memories of how you figured it out and how we got there, up to when Softpaw woke up, then Softpaw, you with the memories until we got out of the pipes." Terry said, grabbing my hand. Fred and George winked at us.

I pressed my wand to my temple and remembered everything. I purposely fuzzed out everything about my secrets and crushes that I wrote in the diary, and drew my wand away. A silvery blue wisp of memory trailed after it. I deposited it in the basin. Harry followed, his face twisting with grief at one point, and put his memory in the basin too. I followed with my last set of memories.

"All right, everyone in!" Fred grinned, and we all stuck our heads in.

We landed in Harry and I's room in the Dursleys's house. Past-Daisy was unpacking her things when she had come across a small black diary. My past self looked at the name and date and her eyes narrowed. She put the diary in a drawer next to her other school books.

Then it faded and we arrived in the Weasley's house. Past-Daisy was holding the diary in her hands, then Past-Twins crashed into the room and knocked her ink all over the diary. The ink faded into the diary and they looked at it, spooked. Past-Daisy picked it up and started writing in it, when it said some creepy things about her powers, and Past-Twins begged her not to use it any more.

We arrived at all the other times I was using the diary, and everyone looked stunned, especially Dean, Seamus, Lee, and Neville.

Then we arrived at the first time I had a blank period. We were at the Deathday party, and then suddenly everything faded out into black. We could still see each other, though. Everyone was looking scared.

"That's how you felt." Terry squeezed my hand, looking sympathetic.

Then the Gryffindor common room appeared. We sprinted after Past-Daisy as she had a massive freak out over the blood on her hands and on the wall.

Daisy Potter and the Heir of Slytherin (Book 2, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now