34: "in like like"

552 16 7

operation: shira/n ‼️

tooru 🌱
one down
one more to go
what's the game plan

atsumu 🦊
shit i don't know
have any of y'all even talked to
her recently?

koushi 🕊
just at practice
she seems okay
well better than she was a couple
weeks ago at least
she's talking to daichi again like
normal so that's good
doesn't mean she's not still reeling
from everything though

atsumu 🦊
do y'all think we're pushing them
too far?
i just don't want her to get hurt again
i know shirabu wouldn't do that but
i just feel like if we push her into the
deep end too early like she tried
pushing herself with the others, she'll
end up in the same boat

tooru 🌱
that's valid
we definitely should be apprehensive
with her, but i don't think we should
hold back too too much
while we don't want a repeat of last time,
we also don't want her to miss an
if she waits too long to put herself back
out there, he might not be available
anymore and she's gonna get her heart
broken anyways

koushi 🕊
that's a possibility, but i don't
think shirabu would move on so fast
esp bc he knows the situation and he's
been here dealing with it head on for the
most part
if anything— i think he knows to be more
patient with her
tsumu's not saying to pull back the reigns
completely, he just wants us to be a bit
more cautious with our approach
after all, this was a mutual agreement and
we all decided we were in this together for
all we want is for her to be happy

atsumu 🦊
she could surprise us like shirabu did
and come to us herself— but that's
doubtful so we'll need to strategize
effectively and efficiently

koushi 🕊
we're really out here treating their
relationship like it's a game of volleyball
huh 😭

tooru 🌱
it's what we're best at
strategy speaking
as setters, it's in our nature

atsumu 🦊
he ain't wrong
approaching it like this is the best
way imo
there's less of a chance for mistakes

koushi 🕊
we're not spies
this isn't some secret undercover
mission 😭☝️
we're literally just trying to get our
friends together

atsumu 🦊
yeah but one of those friends is y/n

tooru 🌱
tsumu's got a point
miss l/n is one tough cookie

koushi 🕊
i question why i'm friends with the
two of you sometimes

koushi 🕊i question why i'm friends with thetwo of you sometimes

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