Beauty And The Beast

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If one told you a very brief description of a certain dynamic of human beings, lets say, a family, what would you assume? A family sometimes consists of a mother, a father, some children. perhaps a pet or two. but families may also be more, or less than that. a father, and two children. a grandmother, a grandfather and a child. a mother, and a mother.

But for today, imagine this. a family dynamic - a father, a mother, and two young adult children.

A father: once able to lift three times his body weight like it was nothing. But, with age comes a loss of many things. A father whose jokes annoyed the rest of the family. a father who could not stand to see frowning faces. but with his joyful attitude came a layer of greed and ignorance.

A father who gave great hugs. who didnt really understand other peoples emotions, but pushed himself to understand.

a father who's hair fell into long curls, down his back. a father whos hair bothered him so more that half the time he tied it up into a bun.

a father whos skin was brown. whos hands were worn. whos eyes were dark, and whose pupils dilated when he looked at his wife. But lately his eyes were wandering. Not on other women. rather, to the floor. to the other room. oh, and where were they now?

A mother. A mother with wavy dark hair, and brown skin. a mother with curious eyes and deep inside her still burned a flicker of adventure. a mother who met her husband in what feels like a lifetime ago. on a beach, on a sunny day. and they were so young back then. and where were they now?

A young adult daughter. Who looked like her parents. She couldn't be found without a book in hand. She picked big words to use in conversation. she pondered on questions. and she was always losing her glasses. they were constantly dirty. she would take them off her face, forget what she was doing in the moment and by the next she was looking at her empty hand. Oh, where were they now?

A young adult son. His hair was cut back short. his head was always pointing down at his phone. his face, always illuminated by it's light. his friends were supposed to pick him up tonight. but now he was stuck in this old family minivan. where were they now?

They were driving down the highway, at 9 pm. The father was driving. his hands laid steady on the wheel. and everyone was silent. not a word had been spoken since they started driving. A deep tension that they had yet to explore lurked in the air.

An elephant in the room. or, their car. if not an elephant, maybe something else that's very noticeable but no one is willing to notice. A homeless person asking for spare change. That might be more accurate. If one saw an elephant in a room, they would obviously acknowledge it. "how did an elephant get in here? it's going to squish us! we must keep it contained!" one would say. But if one saw a homeless person asking for spare change, they would likely avert their eyes. "life is so harsh, so cruel. I will choose not to see it as it is."

but the son broke this two hour silence.

"look at that stupid bigfoot statue."

They passed by some landmark left on the side of the road. The statue held a wooden red sign which read: "world's biggest bigfoot. gift shop and cafe." It's face was crude. some kid had graffitied it. He looked to be void of any feeling.

"y'know I got in a physical fight with bigfoot back in college." the father chuckled.

"why do you always say that? the joke is old." the daughter muttered. she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, while she scrolled through her phone.

"well, it's not a joke. it actually happened. before I met your mom."

"bullshit. bigfoot isnt real." said the son.

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