Question 30

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Question from:

g_fiona_b: Question for everyone (Except Glitch Teen) : How do you feel towards each other? Have you tried to talk things out and try to understand each other? Have you been honest with your feelings towards yourself? I think that if you try be more open and honest with your feelings maybe you can work things out cause it works for me. You can also try deep breathing to calm yourself. It helps reduces stress and negative thoughts and feelings. It's ok if you don't want to I just give a suggestion cause I love you guys and I want you guys to be healthy physically and mentally :] Don't forget to stay hydrated,eat well,sleep well and do things that helps you cope with the negativity! I love you guys! (You too Kid :])

Me: :3 Well, I'm not stressed but sure. I'll do that

Shroobz: Uhm-

Tbh: I'm honest with my feelings

Woolfster: Uhh...

Dino: I'm just trying to stop them

Memegod: O-O I'm not doin' it

Socks: Maybe I'll...try?

Blaza: I can just log off

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