Edward: damn, you're adorable.

Edward: your friend is a photographer?

Louis: yeah. They studied photography and stuff at Uni.

Edward: oh there's multiple?

Louis: yep. Eleanor and Briana.

Edward: ahh ok. Are they nice?

Louis: yeah, I'd say so. We bond over Harry lmao

Edward: really 😂 did you meet through the fandom or something?

Louis: funny story, actually. I've known Briana since I was 12, so about 10 years now. I was online one day and met Eleanor, and we started talking. Eventually I brought Briana up in our conversation, and long story short, they knew each other through family friends and we met each other through Briana.

Louis: they're pretty chill. At least, more chill than my other friends.

Edward: oh please tell me about them.

Louis: I don't have a lot haha. Just Briana, Eleanor, Ashe, and Stan. We all, except Stan, bond over Harry.

Louis: Ashe scares me with the amount of energy they have. I feel like one day, they'll just explode into glitter and confetti

Louis: Ashe is our mother. She keeps us together

Louis: Stan is an asshole

Edward: what'd he do??

Louis: nothing lmao. We just have a joking, aggressive friendship and call each other names

Louis: I'm bored.

Edward: am I really that boring?

Louis: yeah

Louis: wanna FaceTime?

Harry's eyes shot open the second he read the text. He jumped off his bed and sprinted out of his bedroom in search of Zayn. He screamed his name through the house, until his friends came running into the living room.

"Harry, what the fuck is your problem?" Zayn grumbled in his morning voice.

Niall rubbed his eyes. "If there's not a fire and if someone's not dying, I'm gonna cut your balls off."

"Louis. He wants to FaceTime," Harry announced, specifically to Zayn.

The darker haired man shrugged. "And?"

"You know I've been using your photos! He thinks you're Edward."

"Ok, well either tell him you can't call him, or tell him the truth," Zayn said. "I don't like you lying to him, especially since he's a huge fan."

Harry sighed and took out his phone.

Edward: sorry, I can't. Too early.

Louis: it's too early to FaceTime, but not too early to talk over text?

Harry looked up at his friends with a worried expression and showed them the text.

Liam crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I'm with Zayn on this one."

"Thanks, Li."

"You pronounced 'daddy' wrong," Niall called as he made his way to the kitchen.

Zayn started running towards him, making Niall sprint away, screaming in fear. But as they were about to pass, Harry stopped Zayn by grabbing his shoulders.

Unexpected**ON HOLD**~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now