Chapter 4: Overlords

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Narrator: Mysterious Message! A transmission has been intercepted far beyond the Outer Rim, deep in the Crelythiumn system. Why the call has been made, and from where, cannot be established. But buried in the message is a Jedi distress code that has not been used in over 2000 years. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and their padawans, (Y/N) (L/N) and Ahsoka Tano are sent to investigate. Fearing a Separatist trap, they are to meet with a heavily armed Jedi Cruiser. 

3rd Person POV

(Y/N) is laying down in the back of the ship they were traveling. He was using the force to take apart and put back together his lightsabers. He sees the two orange crystals floating in the air before fixing his lightsabers. "(Y/N)! We've reached the rendezvous point. Get up here" Said the voice of Anakin. (Y/N) grabs his lightsabers and attaches them to either side of his belt before walking up to the cockpit. He looks over and sees Ahsoka smiling at him. The two have been together for a couple months now and the only person who knows besides them is Padme. Turns out they were pretty good at keeping secrets. (Y/N) sits down next to Ahsoka as Anakin contacts Rex. 

"Rex. Rex, do you read me? We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival. Where are you?" Anakin asks. 

"Sir, we are at the rendezvous point, and there's no sign of you on our scanners" Rex answers. 

"Oh, come on. That's impossible" Anakin says before turning to Obi-wan. "Something's wrong. We're at the exact coordinates where the distress call originated, but there's nothing here. Rex is at the exact same coordinates, and he's not here" Anakin says. Obi-wan strokes his beard before responding.

"This is getting interesting" Obi wan says. Rex tries to speak but his hologram and audio becomes distorted.

"Something's blocking the signal" Ahsoka says as she turns to the control panel on her left. All the power then goes out causing Obi-wan to start fiddling with controls in front of him.

"Not good" Obi wan says quietly. Ahsoka then stands up and turns to the others. 

"Everything's dead, even the life support" Ahsoka says.

"Hmm, this is really strange" Anakin says as (Y/N) looks out the front of the ship. All the power then whirs back to life. 

"There. See? Nothing to be concerned about after all" Obi wan says as (Y/N)'s eyes widen. (Y/N) points forward out the window of the ship. 

"I'm not sure about that, Master. Look" He says as they all turn to see a giant dark red diamond right in front of them. Suddenly rapid beeping can be heard throughout the ship as it shakes violently. The ship is being pulled towards the weird diamond. 

"It's pulling us towards it" Ahsoka says. As they near it white light starts to surround them. 

"Everyone, strap yourselves in. We're going for a ride" Obi wan says. Everyone obeys his order and sits down, strapping themselves to the chairs. The four of them are soon fully engulfed in light and can't see anything until they're vision goes dark. 

(Y/N) opens his eyes groaning as he lifts his head up and sees that the ship crashed on a planet. He then hears the others also waking up, groaning as well.

"I must have blacked out" Anakin says groggily. 

"Then who landed the shuttle?" Obi wan asks.

"Not me" Ahsoka says disoriented. Anakin, Obi wan, and Ahsoka all look at (Y/N) only to receive a shake of the head signalling that he didn't land the shuttle either.

"Where are we?" (Y/N) says out loud to himself. The others were also questioning the same thing at the time. Ahsoka turns to the panel on her left and taps on it a few times.

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