I Settle In.

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I'm so happy! I'm glad some people are enjoying the story, and I'll try to do my best and make it interesting cause sometimes I have brain farts and writers block. And this chapter is going to basically be about you settling in the house and meeting the rest of the CP's.

   As Slendy teleported us to the Slender Mansion, static crackled through all of our ears. Just in Slenders arms I felt at home. How could people that were so insane make me so happy? Well I'm insane too so that questions pointless, but they liked me even before I was a cp.

   We finally got there and it was beautiful. The giagantic mansion had moss vines growing here and there, and the walls looked as black as obsidian. The steps were grand and with the forest surrounding the mansion, it looked more than fascinating. Slender chuckled at me for some reason. "Why ya laughing Slendy?" He let out a small chuckle and said, "I'm just glad to see that you like the mansion. I built this with my brothers actually, but we got in a fight. We still talk but not as much. Anyway,-" He stopped speaking and zoned out for a while but then came back." I'm sorry I just remembered that we don't have anymore rooms that are close to the main door." You had a perplexed face and Slendy noticed and clarified." You see, the other rooms in the mansion are for guest prisoners, which is basically the people who've we held captive. Or the other rooms are dungeons and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to sleep on a metal bed. And plus if anything where to happen like a fire, I wouldn't want you... You know."

  Something was bugging you that you had to ask Slender about." I know that everyone here is immortal or something, until they're insanity runs out.  Which I think will never happen but, if I am a Creepypasta now, why am I not immortal?" Slender heaved a big sigh and explained it to me. "The reason your not immortal is because, you have to give something to... Him... He is a demon, which I'm sure you've heard about but if you say his name he will appear, so please don't say his name. He does not like newcomers child. He will try to make you turn against us, that is unless he likes you. You have to prove yourself worthy to him, but it will take a lot of effort. So you understand now, child?" I told him yes and we returned to our other conversation before this. Everyone went inside the mansion, while I was talking to Slendy we went inside. "Locklear!" Masky walked by and Slendy grabbed his arm and asked him a question. Masky stopped and looked at Slenders pale, featureless face.

   "Masky, do you know where Locklears gone?" Masky replied with, " Oh Locklear? He went out to his lab to sacrifice more people for his little "project". That guys a weirdo. Have you seen whats in his-" Slender put one of his tendrils on Maskys mouth to shut him up. "I just asked you if you knew where he was Masky, not his whole life story." Wow, that was harsh. Masky walked away, seeming disappointed that his master felt that way about him. "Uh, Slender don't you think that was a little harsh? What did Masky do anyway that made you not like him?" He turned to me." Its not that I don't like him, its that he never meets with the expectations I give him. Tobi, now he's responsible, my right hand man." I apologized for asking since clearly it gave Slender trouble." So... Where's my room again?"

   Slender forgave me and told someone with a pale white smiley face mask on, to take me to his room. I followed the guy with blood stained clothes up the stairs and into his room. "So this is your room? Its nice! I like it." He had drawings painted here and there, most of them dark red, as if he painted it with blood. Others were beautiful locus flower drawings that he seemingly painted with charcoal. "You like my paintings? Thanks! I usually don't have anyone talk to me, let alone say what I do is beautiful." He sighed remorsefully and took off his mask. Yep, its official. Every guy here is fucking hot! His ocean blue eyes seemed to look into your soul, and the sun was rising, making his eyes twinkle and his brown hair glisten. I got lost in my mind, still staring at his majestic face. He awkwardly chuckled and sat on his bed, patting his hand next to him, implying he wanted me to sit next to him. "My names Bloody Painter, nice to meet you." There was awkward silence.

   I sat next to him, not knowing what would happen. He rammed his lips against mine, and slowly I melted into the kiss, placing my arms around his shoulders. Reality snapped back into me and I pushed him away. Its not like I didn't like the kiss but, it felt wrong for some reason. Like I was betraying someone. "I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself, its just that everyone here's been talking about you and they said such amazing things. They were correct." I felt myself blushing. *Knock knock knock.* Jeff came in and saw my arms around his neck and my face inches away from his. "What. The. Fuck. What's going on here!?" His screaming caused more people to come upstairs. BEN, EJ, LJ, and a girl with black eyes and a black dress poked their head through the door, trying to see the commotion.

  BEN looked angry, I couldn't tell EJ's emotion since he had his mask on, LJs face was red and he had a scowl on, and the girl in the black dress looked impressed. "Alright, new girl! Damn you've been here one day and you've already kissed a notorious killer? Gotta give props." She walked away, her high heels clacking on the hallway floor and down the stairs until I couldn't hear it. BEN walked over to me to and yanked my hands off Bloody and picked me up bridal style. Everyone in the room had smiles on except Bloody Painter, who was red with jealousy.

   BEN exited the room and started carrying me to what I'm guessing is his room. On the way he gave you a scolding like an angry parent." What the fuck where you doing with him? Did he try to do something to you?! Do you want me to beat his ass up, cause I can-" I placed my finger on his cold mouth, shushing him and taking myself out of his arms. "Its okay BEN, he didn't do anything wrong, it was just a kiss. Why do you care so much anyway?" His face got closer as I finished and then he smashed his lips onto mine, but hard and less passionately than how Bloody did. I punched him straight in the nose and ran back to Bloodys room, crying. I felt like I just got mouth raped by a pedo.

   The door to his room was still open. I stood in the doorway and noticed him sitting at his desk, furiously scribbling on a piece of paper. He turned around and saw me crying. "What happened?! Did BEN hit you?!" He asked furious. As he was about to walk out the room to pop BEN in the face, you pulled on his arm making him stop." No BEN didn't do anything! Well he sorta did but its okay, the kiss just hurt!" Me and my big mouth.

   His eyes widened, even more angry than before and left the room, sprinting to BEN's. "What did I just do?" I groaned and passed out on Bloody's bed from exhaustion. Ill apologize to BEN and Bloody later. Tomorrows' a new day.

Hated By Humans. Loved By Creepypasta.{ Cp x Reader } COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now