Nana x Flower oneshot

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(I kinda ship it kinda not. But who cares about that. This story is from Nana's ,Star of the show, POV. This any other stories in here will NOT get smutty, they may get angstsy if I'm not a bitch. Also Nana uses some nicknames for Flower like sugar. For that I am sorry.  Without further ado enjoy this eye cancer.)

I got home after a excruciatingly long day at the circus. I felt like my body was about to collapse in on itself. 

Nana: "Sugar, I'm home!"

No response. It was really strange, usually she's ecstatic when I come home. I walked over to the fridge and sure enough it was empty. She's probably just on a sugar crash, she'll be fine. I took off my shoes and left them by the front door. Then I took off my hat and put on the entryway table. I walked to our bedroom, but when I opened the door I found something...wierd. Flower was wearing an oversized hoodie wrapped in blankets eating a giant chocolate cake in the bed.

Nana: "What are you doing?"

Flower: "Binge eating to cope with being a people pleaser."

Nana: "Why didn't you answer me before?"

Flower: "My mouth was full, it's rude to talk with your mouth full."

Nana: "...."

Flower "You wanna join me?"

Nana: "Yeah, sure."

I changed into my rainbow hoodie and joined Flower under the blankets. She snuggled into my chest as I got a fistfull of cake. I took a nibble and it tasted like heaven.

Nana: "Hey"

Flower: "What?"

Nana: "Did you bake this cake?"

Flower: "Yeah."

Nana: "How are you so fucking talented!" 

Flower giggles and lays her head on my chest. I run my other hand through her hair and it feels as soft as cotton candy. Flower nibbles on her hoodie strings as I run my hand through her hair. I playfully rough up her hair, in response Flower takes a bite of the cake in my hand.

Nana: "Hey!"

Flower just sticks her tongue out.  I pull Flower closer to me and she nuzzles into my neck. I rest my chin on her head and let all my worries melt away. We lied back on the bed and snuggled for the rest of the evening.

(Thank you for reading. This is my first time writing a ship story so give tips on how to improve. Thanks for getting through that. <3)

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