Sirius confesses

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So I'm not sure I like this chapter but I'm gonna post it anyways so please don't be harsh

*in the dorm*
James shut the door to their dorm room, making sure that nobody else was around before walking over to Sirius' bed. "Pads is there anything you wanna tell me now that the others have left?"
" no, would you like to tell me something now that the others have left?"
"Come on Sirius, I see that way you look at him. We all do"
"Mate I don't know what your on about, care to explain?"

"Look if you don't want to tell us I'm not going to force you, but you're smitten with him pads. We see the way your eyes follow him around the room, the way you blush when he hugs you. It's just like me with Lily" James explained as Sirius began to blush and turn away from him in hopes to hide it.
"What are you trying to say prongs, that I'm in love with the bloke, I mean he folds his socks!"
"You find that adorable and you know it"
"But he wears those horrible cardigans and.. and- well he's my best friend! You don't feel that way about your friends prongs"
"Sirius please just be honest with yourself about it, you buy him chocolate very hogsmede weekend, you always make him come up to bed before it gets too late, not to mention I've seen you cover him up with your blankets when he falls asleep reading. You love him pads"
"I don't love him! And I would do the same for any of you lot"
"I know love when I see it, you may not want to admit it or talk about it now but I'm here for you, there's no judgment"
James gave Sirius a sympathetic smile before standing up and making his way to his bed.

There was a long pause before Sirius whispered "I do..." With tears forming in his eyes. " I do, I really really do James...I love the way he fold his socks, the way he comes to watch me play quidditch even though I know he hates it, the way he wears those awful cardigans but still manages to look adorable."
"I love the way he accepted me for who I am and all my flaws, I love his sarcastic comments and the way he scolds us when we do something stupid. Fuck I love everything about him, but it hurts so fucking much because with know I can never tell him" Sirius admits, facing the windows hot tears now falling down his cheeks.

When he didn't hear a reply he turned around to see that James had gone. In his place stood a shy, blushing Remus who was also crying. "Fuck- I.. I - you weren't meant to hear that. I'm so sorry moony please don't be upset-"
Suddenly Sirius was cut off as Remus kissed him. All the passion and all the feelings they had kept from one another had spilled out into the kiss.

When they pulled apart Remus pulled Sirius closed and said with a calm, quiet voice "I love you too padfoot"

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