Start from the beginning

"You don't have a list." Logan told everyone as James laughed "oh, I have a list." He then pulled it out as Logan rolled his eyes "look you just said that you were excited to have us." Carlos told Jane Kennedy as she walked towards them "I'm a producer." She smiled at first but then got mean "I lie. And my show is five minutes too long." She then smacked the piece of paper into Logan "and LA needs there traffic, weather, stock reports, celebrity interviews, and cooking tips. What they don't need to see is a stupid boy band and dancing mutts." She shared as James then screamed, Kendall held Chloe back.

"Vocal group is a term that could also be used." Logan told Jane Kennedy as she lowered her voice "so is, you are cut from my show, so get those muts and yourselves off my set." She told them as she then walked away as Kendall let Chloe go.

"I did not get up at 5:00 am to be treated like this." Kendall told them as they all agreed "okay, we're live in 15 minutes." Jane Kennedy yelled as all of them ran up to her "so, um we looked at the schedule.." Kendall began as Logan pulled out the schedule "and if you trim just a little time from the weather, the chef dudes weekend recipe, the market update, and cut one Hollywood minute.."  he shared as Carlos then joined in "you'll have time for Big Time rush and the dancing dogs." He told her as James talked "and I can check live tv face time off my list."he told them.

"This is good. No, this..this works. I think I owe you guys an apology." Jane Kennedy told them as they all smiled "follow me." She added on as they then all began walking but Chloe thought something was off "I'm gonna tell the director to make these changes right now. But I need for you guys to wait in our speacial waiting room." Jane Kennedy told them.

And then the boys ran through as Chloe followed knowing what was about to happen as they were outside and the door shut behind them "get out of my face you stupid singing teens." Jane Kennedy told them "of course, you realize.." Kendall began as they all spoke "this means war."

The door was soon opened by Katie as she walked out still playing her game and the dogs ran towards Chloe "I thought I told you to leave me out of this. I have to defeat the she beast before she destroys the dwarf people." Katie told them "can't you look up for one second and see we're outside." Chloe asked shaking her head as she headed inside with the dogs following her "won't happen again." James told Katie as they all followed in after.

"Okay, operation cut out time from AM LA, So Big Time Rush can perform on live tv is underway." Kendall told them as they all had sunglasses and bandanas on "that's a really long operation name." Logan told them as Chloe shook her head "why does that matter?" She asked "ooh, how about something cool like operation winter blitz." Carlos told them as Chloe looked to Kendall shaking her head and so did the dogs around her "it's catchier, but it's not winter." James told them as Kendall got annoyed "just move out." He told them as they all ran off, Logan stole a computer.

"We're in the teleprompter is ours." Logan told them as they all sat in a closet "give us a good intro." Carlos told him as they all watched Logan type real fast, as James soon came in shutting the door just as the man probably introduced them "being the greatest band in the history of the world, check." James told them checking off his list as he sat down with them.

"Now to shave some time off morning update." Kendall told them pointing to the computer as Logan began typing again as the dogs looked to Chloe "I know your hungry but there are no snacks in here." She told them as the boys then looked to her as she shrugged "what?" She asked "faster." They all then told Logan as the dogs even barked agreeing as they all laughed but then the producer kicked through the door as they all screamed "hey, there...you." Kendall told her as Jane Kennedy pulled on there wire shutting it down all of them soon standing up.

"Great news." James began as Kendall showed her the schedule "we shaved a whole minute off your show." He told her and then Carlos moved his hand by her "de nada." He told her as Jane Kennedy then pulled out her walkie talkie "security." She said "we should run." Chloe and Logan mentioned as the others agreed "right." They told them as they all started running including the dogs.

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