i. important person

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[ chapter one : important person ]

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[ chapter one : important person ]

"ophie- OPHIE!" distant but close yells surrounded her as she stood in the monotone hallway. The small brown skinned girl didn't call back nor did she move. She stood facing the wall in her white sailors dress and hair pinned up with butterfly clips, as if catatonic. A small collision hit her causing the small girl to move her attention towards it. It was her mother. Her mother's hands wrapped around her for a second embracing her in a small hug before she pulled away again and place her hands on either side of her face.

"Oh Ophie, my beloved there you are." The beautiful light-skinned woman's voice could be described as shaky and frightened but really she just felt relief. She was panting, in a way you would if you had just run a marathon, or like you were in a horror movie running for your life. Though, even 3-year-old Ophelia seemed to realize it was the latter. "Alright, pretty girl. You will take this here note, and that there suitcase and get on that boat outside, alright?" The woman couldn't seem to keep eye contact constantly looking over her shoulder. Ophelia nodded at her mother, taking the small suitcase and note along with it.

Her mother planted a small kiss on her head quickly before standing up and hurrying her out to the dock in front of their house. Before they got to the end of the dock, her mother crouched again in front of her, getting her white silky dress mixed into the mud of their hometown. "Ophelia, I need you to get on that boat and never turn back. Never cry for your mommy, never cry for no one. I need you to find your person. And when you find him, I need you to protect him because he can protect you, alright, doll?" Her mother had a sweet southern accent that made you do whatever she said. No matter how insane it may have sound, you had to do it because the thought of disappointing her was enough to make you wanna kill yourself.

Ophelia's doe eyes bore into her mothers. They split off to glance at the beautiful country house they lived in, with a beautiful porch that still held some of her favorite toys on it. She didn't know this but this would be the last good memory she ever had of this house. Of that life. Of America. She looked back at her mother and nodded once more, before turning and walking up to the man that stood before the boat. He smiled down at her, sweetly. She didn't return it as she turned around at her mother. Her mother waved, her beautiful silk dress blowing in the cold air brought by the lake.

Ophelia boarded the boat with the help of the man, who walked first and left her to do god knows what on this small ship. While the boat took off, Ophelia finally waved back. As her hand rocked back and forth, it hit the side of her head, knocking off a butterfly clip that fell into the freezing waters. While she was distracted, she hadn't noticed that her mother jumped into the water until she heard the splashing collision and saw the bubbles. Ophelia assumed she went to retrieve the clip, so she watched. and waited. Until she was at the end of the small clearing of lake and her mother hadn't arose.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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