You just wanted to grow old with your friends.

You just wanted to grow old.

It didn't matter what you wanted. The universe didn't care what you wanted. It only wanted you in pain and suffering. You'd never get what you wanted.

Truth was you were going to die and there was nothing you could do stop it. It was what fate decided for you. This fate was absolute. You couldn't change a thing no matter how hard you tried.

You could keep wishing, keep believing that some how you'd live. The world was cruel that way. You'd suffer till your last breath.

"Denki you don't have to cry anymore. I'm not going to die." You said putting your hands on his face.

He lifted his face just as the sun started rising. You smiled at him. You wiped his tears.

"It's okay." You lied once more. It was not okay.

"Yeah, your right. It is okay." He said wiping his boogers on his sleeve.

He smiled at you. He gave that goofy smile he always had on but except this one looked more child like. The sun hit just right across his face.

His golden eyes turned into a much more golden color like gold it's self. He looked so full of life. The sun made him glow. Brighter than he usually was. Quite enchanting.
He looked beautiful.

"I got to change. I have your boogers all over my shirt." You laughed.

"Sorry." He laughed. You patted his head before walking away to your dorm. You could hear a few students of 1-A waking up. Once you walked in you get the need to cough.

You allowed your self to cough and once again you spat up blood. You washed it off. You got out a new shirt to replace your snot filled one.

As you looked in the mirror where the black spot was. It had gotten slightly bigger. When you touched it, it burned. You didn't touch it anymore. Once you put on your shirt you went back downstairs.

Denki had gone back to his room after you lied to him. Though he didn't think it was a lie. He though you were telling the truth.

You decided to go for a walk to clear your mind.

"Oh good morning y/n!" You heard. You turned around and found Midoriya running towards you.

"Good morning Midoriya!" You said in a happy tone.

"I never thought I'd see you out this early in the morning." He said as stopped next to you.

"Couldn't sleep." You replied.

"Oh that's weird. Usually your the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up." He said.

"That was because of all the treatment and medication I was on." You explained.

"That makes sense. I was so happy when you told us that you were all better now and you're all healthy." Midoriya spoke softly.

The sun hit his face so perfectly. The way the sun hit his face was just...beautiful. His eyes looked so beautiful. They had a dark emerald color to them. His freckles appeared more.

"You know I was having a hard time with training my quirk and being worried about you. I kept getting so frustrated but when you said you no longer need treatment I got a moment of clarity. Like I could let myself relax." Midoriya spoke.

"I'm happy to see you all are at ease now that I'm okay."

"Yeah. Now we're all happy your okay." he said smiling.

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