Start from the beginning

"You're thirsty, right? Carlos, be a gentleman and get your lady friend a beverage from the pantry." Gustavo told them as Kelly and Chloe smiled "anything for my sweetums." He then ran away as Sasha came forward.

"New plan. Do not break up with him." Gustavo told Sasha as he turned to Chloe taking the award from her "and do not break this." Sasha then looked at Gustavo "if you don't want me to break up with him, then what do I do." Then Gustavo looked to Chloe and Kelly "don't look at us."

Chloe and Kelly were dumping all the waters Carlos kept bringing into the plant as Gustavo paced "it's simple. Just don't break up with him." Then Sasha looked at him "but I can't just keep pretending to be his dream girlfriend for the rest of my life."

"Why not!" Gustavo yelled as Chloe rolled her eyes as Carlos returned "Another fruit water for my fruit cup." Carlos handed it to Sasha as she took it "aw, could you get me another, sweetie? I'm so thirsty." He then looked to Gustavo as he waved and then went to go get another.

"Wait a minute." Kelly told them as she dumped the water in the plant "what if we can get Carlos to break up with her?" Kelly questioned as Chloe and Gustavo looked to her "yes."

"Yeah, but Carlos is really in love with me. So far he's given me a seven page love Poem, a bouquet of corn dogs, and a coupon book for Carlos hugs." Sasha told them as Chloe and Kelly went "aww."

"Just be the worst girlfriend ever. Be bossy, spend all of his money on shoes, cry about everything, and hate all of his best guy friends." Gustavo told her as Sasha thought about it "okay, and if all that doesn't work?" She asked as Chloe and Kelly jumped up whispering "be disgusting."

"Here you go, honey." Carlos told her as Chloe and Kelly smiled until she knocked the water out of his hand "ugh, I'm sick of all this fruit water! Just buy me shoes. Now!" The girl yelled as Chloe back up "okay mc anything you want." Carlos told her as Chloe felt bad.

"Ugh! Take me shoe shopping now!" The girl yelled as she dragged Carlos away "yeah, I give him about two hours tops." Gustavo told them as Chloe strummed on her guitar, shaking her head.

Then Carlos and Sasha soon returned as Gustavo, Kelly and Chloe were all shocked to see them still together as Carlos carried all the shoes.

"Tell then why we came back to Rocque Records Carlos." Sasha told them as Carlos walked up "I just wanted a place to put down your shoes." He then did as he jumped back up "So, I can buy you some more. Turns out I love shoe shopping." Carlos told them as they all were shocked and then Kelly told her to fake cry as Chloe laughed "yeah, no, I'm gonna go finish my song. Okay, bye!" Chloe then ran.

Chloe was now in the recording studio having finished the song as the band played in the back and the man sent her the go ahead.

Smooth talkin', so rockin'
He's got everything that a girl's wantin'
Guitar cutie, he plays it groovy
And I can't keep myself from doin' somethin' stupid
Think I'm really fallin' for his smile
Get butterflies when he says my name

Then the good times she's had with Kendall began playing in her head as she sang, like, when they chased James around the Palm Woods when everyone had hollywood fever.

He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
And when he's lookin' at me
I wanna get all sentimental
He's got somethin' special
He's got somethin' special
I can hardly breathe, something's tellin' me
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one
He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one

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