~Chapter 2~Sleep Please?~

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There he was standing at the car window, he gave a little wave. He smiled to but he looked very tired. Dream stepped out the car, he knew George would be here but he was still shocked that George was really here in front of him.
"Hey Dream I'm-"
Dream quickly latched onto George giving him a huge hug. George was kinda taken back by the sudden hug but hugged Dream back.
"Good to see you."
He mumbled very, very tired.
Dream took a second before letting him go.
"I'll throw your bag in the back, hop in the front seat."
George nodded but stopped halfway through reaching for the door.
"What the fuck-"
Dream threw George's bag in the back and came up to his side.
"What's wrong?"
"Why's- Oh! Never mind. I forgot the drivers and passenger seat are switched here in America."
The two of them giggled before they both hopped in the car, Dream began to pull out making his way onto the highway.
George layer back on his bed giving out a small sigh.
"I hate airplanes."
Dream tried to focus on the road.
"Same here, I'm guessing your tired?"
George said nothing and nodded.
It was kinda cute watching George attempt not to doze off in the car. Despite his attention being on the road there was a good amount of it on George. He was quiet and sleepy, he kept adjusting his seating position trying to get comfy. He was still awake but barley. After about 5 minutes George was out cold. During the drive his body slowly leaned to his left. Normally there would a be a window for his head to rest on but he was in America now, instead his head rested on dreams shoulder. Dreams mind was struggling, he couldn't decide if he should have been embarrassed of worried, he didn't want to move to much to wake him but he didn't want to crash the car ether. Dream pulled off the highway seeing a fast food joint on his way out. So he proceed to pull into the drive through of the restaurant. He got himself a classic breakfast sandwich, and for George he wasn't sure so he just got George some plain pancakes if he woke up.
He ordered, revived, and then finally payed for the food, he pulled into the parking lot nearly parking the car in one of the open spots. He was doing the equivalent of tipping toeing but with his fingers because he was worried that even the bag would wake up George.
But he managed to remove his own food and eat without disturbing him.
Dream felt a little more awake after finally eating some food, though he was becoming worried as it had now been a half an hour they had sat in the parking lot, George was still out cold. Because of George laying on his should, his arm rested on the car panel slowly going numb. George still sleeping wrapped what he could of his arms around dreams arms as if he was hugging a pillow. Dream couldn't drive like this. But he also didn't want to wake up George- but he had to if they were going to get home, right? Maybe a little encouragement of sorts was needed...
"Hey George~"
George remained asleep.
Dream used his free hand to gently shake him.
"George can you wake up?"
George gave a small little hmm, he was sorta awake now but was seconds away from falling back asleep.
"Patches is-"
George slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes.
Dream giggled.
Despite still looking like a zombie, Georgie attempted to regain a bit of energy.
The rest of the drive was peaceful with the two of them having more of a one sided conversation as George had discovered the pancakes dream had gotten him. They were lukewarm but George didn't mind.
Bye the time they had made it back George had gained some kind of awareness no longer acting like he hustled worked for 40 hours straight, he still was yawning a lot though.

Just saying this for context, so you know how in America we drive on the right side of the road and Britain they drive on the left? Well unless my sources lie to me it's the same thing with drivers and passengers seat them being switched. Just in case y'all didn't know :)
740 words

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