Special Delivery

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(The Events here happen a gew months after the defeat of Necron)

Kivia: *sighs happily* What a wonderful day.

Elise: Indeed it is.

Solarius: Yeah, a very good day to take a walk.

Xeron: Mhm.

Solarius: I'm glad that Necron is gone.

Kivia: Same.

Solarius: *rubs Kivia's stomach* I can't wait for the birth of the twins.

Kivia: Yeah, me too.

Elise: *giggles*

Xeron: :3

*later at night*

Kivia: *drinks some Water*

Elise: *humming*

Kivia: *smiles then she suddenly feels pain in her stomach* Agh! SOLARIUS!

Solarius: What's wrong Kivia?!

Kivia: M- My Water broke!

Solarius: !!! Elise! Xeron! We have to go to the Hospital Now! *carries Kivia*

Solarius has opened a rift to the Hospital and the four went through soon after that they saw Nuba.

Nuba: Solarius, why are you in a rush?

Solarius: Kivia's Water just broke!

Nuba: Alright, follow me!

They arrive in a room where Solarius puts Kivia on the Bed.

Nuba: Elise, Xeron, you two wait outside okay?

Elise: Okay.

Nuba: Alright. *goes back into the room*

Kivia: Ngh!

Solarius: Hold my hand Kivia.

Elise: *grabs his hand*

Nuba: Are you ready Kivia?

Kivia: *nods*

Nuba: Alright, start pressing.

Kivia: *presses* AAAAAGHHH!!! *holds Solarius's hand tighter*

Solarius: Ngh!

*outside of the room*

Xeron: Mom, will they be alright?

Elise: Of course they will Xeron, don't worry.

*a few hours later*

Nuba: Elise, you may come in now.

Elise: Okay, come Xeron.

They went in and they saw Kivia and Solarius holding both of the Newborn which are one boy and one girl.

Kivia: *sheds a few tears* I'm so happy...

Solarius: Me too...

Nuba: I guess you know already what names you're giving them.

Solarius: Yeah.

Kivia: The boy is Aiden and the Girl is Yuna.

Elise: Aww... they're so cute.

Xeron: *smiles*

Nuba: Alright, you can leave now if you want.

Solarius nods and picks up Kivia and the newborn and the family went home, when they arrived they put Aiden and Yuna into cribs.

Yuna/Aiden: *fall asleep* Zzz...

Solarius: *smiles*

Kivia: *yawns*

Solarius: Tired my love?

Kivia: Yeah...

Elise: Let's go to bed then.

Kivia: Mhm... *falls asleep as well*

Solarius: *sighs happily as he carries Kivia to bed*

They all laid down on the bed and fell asleep.


A dark Portal opens somwhere near Planet Blade and a very Powerful Creature emerges from it.

???: So Rahanorth has failed to destroy the Omniverse I see... Well in that case I'll have to do that myself. *clenches her fists* Solarius Xelium... I will find you and then kill you to avenge my fallen Right hand man and then destroy the Omniverse for good!!!

(See ya.)

Elise x SolariusWhere stories live. Discover now