A new day?

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Alex's POV:

I wake up to a sticky bed I had a dream again a dream about him his crush diapering him Noah was his best friend and he was scared that is he asked him out it would ruin their friendship so he hasn't yet but.
"T-that was a nice dream I had a good dad a good boyfriend a good diaper it was fun I wish I stayed there" I think to myself before grabbing my sheets off my bed and putting them In the washing machine and walked to his room and put on some shorts and a purple hoodie then combing his brown hair out of of his face and walking to school before his dad wakes up.
He then gets onto the bus and siting next to his friend Noah causing him to remember the dream he had last night making him get a boner but luckily he was able to sit down in time before Noah noticed or at least he hopes

Noah's POV:

I see my best friend Alex get on the bus but he looks at me and I think is see him go hard but I guess I could just be seeing things but the he rushes over to sit with me
"Hey Alex you ok" I ask
"Yeah I guess" he replied
They cheated some more before getting to school then they went the their class and sat down
"I need to ask him out today" I think to myself
A bunch of boring stuff happens in class and then the bell rings the two boys walk out of class and into the toilets then the lockdown bell rings so the two boys run into one of the stalls to hide
"Omg what do you think it is" I whisper
"Idk" he reply's
They both sit their silently until
"Hey um I need to tell you something" I ask
"O-ok what is it" he reply's
"I like you like I really like you" I say on the verge on tears
"I like you to" he reply's before pulling me in for a kiss I slip my tong into his mouth exploring every inch of it then we hear the bathroom door open
"Fuck!" We think to ourselves
But then the person leaves?
I look over to see Alex crying with with wet pants
"It's ok you were scared" I try to help
"No you hate me now don't you" he says crying
"Of Corse I don't I have some spare pants you can wear ok" I say
"O-ok" Alex says whipping tears from his eyes

Alex's POV:

Noah tells me that he has other pants for me and out of his bag he pulls out a pair of pants and a diaper!
"I'm sorry it's all I have I kinda have a bladder problem" he says blushing
"It's ok I kinda like diapers" I say smiling then looking away
"Omg so do I" he reply's
Noah then turns around as I take off my pants and put on the diaper but then Noah pulls down his pants and he's also wearing one but it's soaked I look down at it giving me a boner then I see a boner in his diaper to I get the sudden urge to poo
"I- I need to poo" I say
"Use you're diaper" he reply's
I then squat down and start to push then pee floods my diaper and I feed something warm and mushy enter my pants then I fell something poking me it was Noah's cock it was so hard I could see a large brown stain on the back of Noah's diaper then he sits down on the toilet seat and pulls me onto his lap I fell his rock hard dick pressing up against my ass it felt good then Noah starts to squish and play with the front on my diaper making me even more hard. I start to lap dance on him then it happened I came in my diaper it felt so good I was so lucky to be dating him I squat down again and fell more mess creep into my diaper it was really full by now but instead of changing myself I just left it on I mean if it feels good I shouldn't stop them the bell rings again saying that the lockdown is over and it's time to go home I say goodbye to Noah and kiss him on the cheek before getting on my bus and going home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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