The Garden

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"What was it what did you hear?" I interupted "O hush Mary let me finish"



There was a woman running into garden, and there was quite a fuss following her. The click clack of her shoes against the stone growing louder and louder. There where quite a few people following her when she rounded the corner into the garden, that was when I saw her face.

It was Annie! She didn't see me though she only had eyes for the king, she ran right below his balcony. " Stop the madness." She cryed up to him. By this time she had lifted a small child into the air, and by the Lord it was little Elizabeth I swear on my life it was little Elizabeth. "Do it for this child! She bears such a likeness to you her father!" She said. "Do it for this child!" She repeated then started to sob by this time the crowd who had been following  caught up with her.Three men of the guard stepped forward. One of them took Elizabeth and the other two grabbed hold of her arms.

Suddenly Thomas Crammer stepped in front of her. "By order of the Crown of England I am arresting you on charges of high treason, adultery, witch craft and incest. After that horrible Cramer stopped speaking Annie was sobbing even louder. As they led her away she looked back over her shoulder to where Elizabeth and King Henry where.


I looked around  me to see we where all crying. " Why don't we all go to riding. It will help calm us." I suggested "Yes, yes splendid idea Mary." John replied. With that he helped Catherine up from my lap. "But you might want to put some appropriate clothing on before we go Mary." He added as he left with Catherine, Fitzy and Sarah. I looked down and realised I was wearing my shift still. Yes a change of clothes would be appropriate.


I left my room an hour later after my maid Grace had done my hair and helped to dress me and lace my stays. Once I reached the courtyard close to the kitchens I saw  Sarah John, Fitzy and to my surprise Catherine had been replaced by Fitzy's husband Henry I walked over to join them. "Hello Lady Mary, Mary was just telling me about what has happened to the Queen it's such a shame really she was a wonderful woman." Henry said to me as if to raise my spririts. Although we all knew he was being polite, Henry had never been fond of her. I realised that Fitzy, Henry and John where holding bows. "Hunting are we now?" I asked. "Yes it was John's idea" Chimed in Sarah, distaine in her voice. Sweet, sweet Sarah would never kill a creature she felt so bad for the little animals, last time we went on a hunt she burst into to tears after the doe was shot by the King. This trip would only make her sadder.   

There was little talk as we walked to the stables, the only banter that occurred was Henry's attempts to cheer up his wife or me and my sister. By time we had reached the stable a dark cloud had descended upon our little group. 

"Lady Mary!" the stable boy yelled [though I did not hear him] "Yes what?" Fitzy asked. "Not you Lady Richmond, Lady Shelton is whom I'm trying to awake from her day dreams." He replied. "Leave that to me." John said with a laugh. Then he came up behind me and gave me a good poke in the neck. "What!" I screamed quite loud. "my Lady of dreams your carriage with a silver lining will have to wait." I glared at him with a profuse disliking. "my Lady your bow" The stable boy said to me as he handed a beautifull white bow that had been a present from my last suitor. "And you horse" he added as my mare was led out I thanked him but i was quite embarrassed so i mounted and retreated into the courtyard to await the others. 


We where finally out in the forest the others wooping in front of me. I stayed back with my sister not wanting her to be lonely, sad or get lost.  We spent a long while talking about this and commenting on that. 

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