Chapter 19

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Going further ahead, we called her name a few times, and still nothing. The place wasn’t huge but was spacious. After looking around for a bit, I saw that Stacy was attached to a chair, unconscious. Seeing her in that condition, I wanted to tear that person who had done this to her into millions of pieces. My eyes filled with tears and my hands started shaking as I was trying to touch her to check.

Susan: “Bella I-“

Bella: “I’m going to catch whoever it is and make them pay for what they did to her.”

Susan: “We have to figure out who the person was behind this first. Which is not going to be very easy.”

Mom came in and found her as well. Her eyes showed how terrified and shocked she was.

Mom: “What happened- to her- What did they do??”

Bella: “Luckily, she doesn’t have any cuts or bruises on her which means the culprit didn’t do anything. Most likely she fainted out of shock. They luckily didn’t assault her from the looks of it. All of this just looks too easy. Why would the culprit do something like this?”

Susan: “I get what you mean. This all seems weird.”

Mom: “For now, let’s get out of here and take her to the hospital.”

Susan: “She’s right. Let’s go right now.”

As we were taking Stacy to the hospital, I just couldn’t let go of her hand. As well as Susan’s. These girls, to me, aren’t just friends, they are my sisters. And no matter what happens to me, as long they are safe then that’s all there is to it.

We let her parents know about this and they arrived at the hospital. They seem relieved that their daughter was safe and sound. We also had to explain how we were able to get a hold of her in time. And then I felt my phone vibrating and picked up the phone to see Isla was calling. 

Bella: “Hello Isla?”

Isla: “Hey Sister did you find Stacy?”

Bella: “Yeah we found her in time she’s safe and sound. The only thing is, because of the situation, it lead her to a shock so she fainted.

Isla: “That’s good to hear sister. Also, I called to inform you about something.”

Bella: “Yeah tell. What is it, sis?

Isla: “So about the witness, Mrs. Mary. We got to know her side of the story. So apparently what happened on that day was, she saw little Maria fall. As far as she said, it was because the child’s teddy bear was at the window. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to see who put it over there. But the thing she did mention was, she was trying to reach her bear but fell. The weird part was that the window was open though.”

Bella: “You’re right about that, Isla. Anything else you got to know?”

Isla: “Well yes. The reason she wasn’t able to tell us this before, was because she fainted out of shock. That the child fell and she saw the blood. It was all too much for her to handle. Luckily, her son came in time and rushed her to the hospital.”

Bella: “Well I see the dots connecting but what about Maria? How is she now? What have the doctors said?”

Isla: “So far, she is still in the same state. Sister, it’s been days now……why isn’t she waking up?” 

Bella: “Don’t worry Isla. She will be alright. All we can do is hope for the better and be strong.”

Isla: “Sister!!!”

Bella: “Isla, what’s wrong? Hey, Isla Hello?!”

Isla: “It's Maria….there’s something wrong.”

After that, the call disconnected and I wasn’t able to contact her after that. It just said that she wasn’t able to be reached.

Bella: “Mom……I think something happened to Maria….Isla just called and from the sound of things, it doesn’t seem like they are going well.”

Mom: “Oh my god, what’s going on all of sudden? I’ll have to go and check it out. You stay here with Stacy, Susan, and her family. Uncle Kevin and I will go over to the hospital where The Johnsons are.”

Bella: “Okay mom. Call me when you get there and tell me what’s going on.”

Mom: “I will stay in touch and be extremely careful.”

Bella: “I will, mom and you be careful as well.”

After I saw mom leave, I stayed with Susan, Stacy, and her family. A little while later, Susan’s family also came and stayed for a bit. We just couldn’t leave her on her own. Even though her parents were there, I just couldn’t leave her alone and go home. Then there was the whole issue with Maria.

Susan: “I hope she wakes up soon….”

Bella: “Don’t worry Susan. She will. I’m sure of it”

Stacy: “I’m glad- you’re a bit positive Bella.”
Susan: “Stacy!!! You’re awake!! Oh, thank god.”

Bella: “Stacy-“

I just hugged her and made sure it wasn’t tight for her. I wanted to squeeze her more but I mean, she had just woken up and I couldn’t do that to her in such a state.

Stacy: “I’m sure what you’re going to say and it’s not your fault sis. I’ll tell you what happened, just wait a bit. But what I can tell you, is that they didn’t do anything to me.”

Susan: “Bella, she’s right. You don’t have to blame yourself for this. It could have happened to you or anyone. And besides, this wasn’t even in your control.”

Stacy: “Exactly the point. So please don’t beat yourself up because of me, I’ll feel bad.”

Bella: “I’m just wondering if we didn’t have the GPS tracker, how we would be able to find you. Then also it would have been my fault.”

Stacy: “My dear Bella, I know for a fact you wouldn’t rest till you would find me so don’t think like that and don’t blame yourself.”

Bella: “I’ll try not to. For now, I’m relieved to know you’re safe.”

Susan: “Yeah, and that’s all there is to it.”

Stacy: “Now smile kids and don’t look as if I’m about to die or something please. I’m fine.”

Bella: *Laughs* “Alright then.”

Even Stacy’s parents felt much relieved now that their daughter was safe. I got a call from mom and was hoping for good news but sad as it is, I just had a feeling that it wouldn’t sound good. I excused myself and went outside to answer the call.

Mom: “Bella…..I’ve reached here….but I just don’t know how to say this –“

Bella: “Mom….what happened….how’s Maria?”

Mom: “Bella……Maria has….passed away.”

Bella: “What….are you saying, mom?”

Mom: “It’s the truth dear…….she’s gone…..”

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