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So i just came up with this idea 'cause I don't know, I kinda had kitten Louis feels all of a sudden I guess?:) And did you see how Harry was staring at Louis when they arrived in Japan? And the conference? When he said that his favorite take me home lyric was "You still have to squeeze into your jeans" while looking at Louis? God my feels are horrible right now xd:)

PS: I really suck at endins:/ forgive me?:)

Anyways, hope you'll enjoy:)

Feel free to leave feedback:)


It was a rather peaceful evening, the wind was blowing softly, messing up his already messy curls. He hummed quietly, walking slowly, destination unknown, wishing to escape reality. His greens eyes slowly adapting themselves to the darkness of the sky, his hands stuffed in his pockets. The alley he walked on was darker than the main street, perhaps too dark for his liking but he kept on moving, step by step. On another day, he would have probably turned around but somehow, today he couldn't bring himself to back off... He shrugged and kept on going. He let his mind wonder off, reflecting on his life, how would things be different if he didn't chicken out and did what he truly desired as a child...

His thoughts were interrupted as something caught his eyes. An overly big cage stood a few meters ahead of him. Soft whimpers and sniffs escaped from it, getting stronger with every step he took forward. His first thought was to walk by quickly and ignore the strange cage, but he discarded that idea as soon as it crossed his mind, because it would just be too inhuman of him. What if whatever was in the cage really needed his help? He wouldn't be able to live with that kind of guilt building up. Small hiccups were heard and his his eyebrows shot up in confusion.

Curiosity filled him and he walked up to the rusty cage. It was far too big to contain an domestic animal and he couldn't imagine what was inside. Without a second thought, he crouched down to look between the bars. He was met with wide blue eyes, staring right back at him, a small boy sat there, his back to the old cage, knees propped to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around them. Harry would have swore that it was an normal human being if it wasn't for his furry cat ears twitching gently, flat against his feathery brown hair, and his brownish tail wrapped around himself. The cat like boy's eyes slowly refilled themselves with tears, his flushed cheeks filled with dried tear tracks, and his lower lip quivering mildly.

Harry stared at the boy, feeling his heart swell at the sight of the far too many bruises and scratches on his skin. Soon, the other boy was bawling his eyes out, his whole body shaking as sobs escaped his parted lips. He was truly scared of the stranger, convinced that the curly lad would hurt him like everyone else did. He held himself incredibly tighter, as if it would erase his existence.

Dazed by the boy inside the cage and mesmerized by his fluffy cat ears, stunning blue eyes, and adorable face, Harry slowly slipped his hand in the cage, between the bars. The other lad's gaze followed his movements, tears still falling freely against his flushed cheeks. When Harry's fingers played with the lock, getting it to open with a few tugs, the blue eyed lad blinked a few times, surprised by the stranger's gentleness, as if not wanting to scare him away.

Harry didn't want to be too rough, the other seeming too vulnerable for his own good. He smiled when the boy's head tilted to the side like a child, questioning his moves. He opened the cage and held out his hand to the cat like lad, inviting him to grab it. When the other wouldn't budge, he sighed softly and whispered "Come on love, let's get you out of here. I won't hurt you." "..." Perhaps he looked rather strange to the other lad, helping out a complete stranger but he could care less. He just stood there instead, his hand held out for the other to grab, not knowing anything else to do without scaring the cat like boy away.

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