Chapter 1

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Everything was dark, the only dim light that came in was from the window. I couldnt see anything. Suddenly I heard something move, and a black winged creature with big red eyes flew past the window several times, and then sat on the windowsill. “Nadya...” the words formed out of the bats mouth. It knew my name? “Nadya!” I hear again. I blink, but instead of seeing the dark room, I see my mother. “Nadya, wake up honey, you have to go to school”. I grunted and slipped out of my bed. My mom walked out of the room humming a little song. What was she so happy about? I dressed up in my usual outfit, black ripped jeans, and a cherry red crop top. Those were my favorite colors, and the ones that better matched my black hair and pale white skin that turned a lovely shade of cooked lobster after two minutes in the sun. “Bacon and eggs for breakfast!” I heard my mother say. Yum, my favorite. I walked down the hallway, and my dog, Toto, backed away and ran. He always does that, I don't know why he hates me so much, since I have lived with him since he became a part of our family. As I arrived to the dining room, my dad greeted me. “Hello honey, did you sleep well?”  “Yes” I lied. I had been having the same nightmare since I turned 13. The bats in a dark room, those red eyes burning through me. “Good” said my father. “Nadya, I have something very important to tell you” my mother said. “Umm.. yes?”

“We have been invited to attend a gala in the Museum of Natural History next week, and your aunt will be visiting us from Romania, since she also works in the bat section of the museum. Movie stars will also be there!”  my mother said happily. “Wow!” I said. I knew that my mother loved going to public events where famous people would be. “I know!” my mother replied enthusiastically. Suddenly the doorbell rang. “Its Ivy!” I said while opening the door.”Oh, okay honey, take care of yourself!” yelled my mom. “Yes, mom, I will. Bye!” I exclaimed while closing the door behind me. Ivy is my best friend, she has always been since my kindergarten ‘accident’. I fell on the mud at the playground, and everyone had laughed at me, but not her. She helped me up and took me to the office to call my mom, and she wouldn't leave until I got clean pants. “ Hey girl, whats up!” Ivy greeted me with the adrenaline in her voice she always had. “ Heyyy Ives!” I replied while doing our secret handshake. “Your teeth are pointier today.” she bothered me. “Hey, don’t be scared to call them fangs. Isnt that the best word for my pointy teeth?” I said. “Uh, ok Ms Fangs.” We spent all the walk to school talking and laughing about my “fangs”. I really liked living in New York. The busy streets full of people, the plays, Central Park, everything. As we were arriving to the schools entrance, Ms Anderson called out for us. “Ivy, Nadya!” she called, “will you be coming to the gala this weekend?” “Gala?” Ivy asked. “Yes, at the Museum of Natural History, my mom works there, so I will be going.” I explained. “Oh! I didn’t know…and I didn't get invited” she whispered. “Don’t be sad Ivy! I can take one guest, so you can be my guest if you want to!” “Wow! Sure! and we can go this week to buy the dresses!” Ivy exclaimed. I laughed. I knew Ivy would love this. “Bye Ms Anderson.” We chorused. We walked into the school and went separate ways to our classes. After a long morning, it was finally time to get to English, the last class.

“Students, please sit down” Mr Harker said. He is the English teacher, and he is very young, in his twenties, I think. “I have something very important to tell you. We will be doing a school play next month called Dracula. It’s a classical movie, and I thing some of you have heard about it. The casting will be tomorrow, and the ones that don’t want to be onstage can work at backstage, as costume designer, in the tech area, stage managment, and some others. Everyone that wants to come will buy a ticket and can come, it will be very important.” he finished. “ I want to be Count Dracula!” exclaimed Mark, a boy in my class. “I want to be Mina!” exclaimed another girl, Sasha. Then all of a sudden everyone started talking. “Class, please!” said Mr Harker, “I know you are all looking forward to this, but we must be patient.” he said, relieved that the we had finally calmed down. “I’d like to know if anyone has ideas! You can share them tomorrow.” The bell rang. Students cheered. “Do you have any ideas?” Ivy asked me as soon as we walked out of shool. “I do, actually.” I said, “but I dont think they will be considered.”  “Yeah right” she said sarcastically. “Bye Ives” “Bye Nad”.

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