'I-I don't think they were trying to kill me, Tommy, I think they were just being frien-'
Before Tubbo could finish his words the blond man from last night steps in through the door, seeming to have been in quite a hurry to get here after whatever the blond kid had yelled. He looked between the three of us for a moment before visibly relaxing, letting out a sigh and walking towards us.

I didn't like this, I was starting to feel closed in, there were too many people here for me to be comfortable. It made my breathing unstable and my stomach feel sick, I didn't like it, I didn't want them to be there, I wanted them to go away.

After walking over to us, the man kneeled down and started to talk to the other boys, the blond one immediately resorting to yelling once again, which now I think about it was probably what pushed me to my tipping point.

In my attempt to get away from them, I kicked the blankets from my body, visibly startling the others as I scrambled to get off the bed, practically throwing myself to the floor but not taking long to regain my footing and bolt towards the door the man had left ajar. I think during the hurry I might have accidentally thrown Tubbo to the ground, I felt slightly guilty but I couldn't let that get in the way of my potential escape.

Outside I am led to what seemed to be a bridge over a small pond filled with a variety of weird and wonderful fish, I'm rather surprised it hadn't frozen over due to how cold it was out here, just stepping outside made me shudder and try rub my arms to retain what little body heat I still had... I missed my cape...

Directly opposite me stood an almost identical house from the one I had just ran out of and to my left was a set of stairs crafted from spruce wood, they were powdered with snow and seemed to have been a bit damp, maybe even a little moldy where most the snow had melted down with the torch light.

I didn't hesitate to stumble down the stairs, the stabbing pain which returned in my back made it abundantly clear that even despite the thing I had drunk last night my wounds were still far from healed. But I didn't let that stop me. I made another sharp left and began to run around the side of the house, my hooves hitting the snow for the first time since the night I was found filled my head with extremely unpleasant memories from the tragic events of my village. I could feel my chest become constricted, like someone had tied a rope around me and were squeezing as hard as possible, maybe I was running too fast? I don't know, maybe I should have slowed down but I didn't, letting my breaths become heavier as I fought to get the oxygen inside of my lungs.

At this point I could hear the people inside shouting, their voices becoming progressively louder, probably suggesting they were running after me which made me feel no better about the situation. I don't know why this reminded me so much of the collapse of my village, though I remembered this constriction feeling in my chest. The smoke was intoxicating, this horrible concoction of ash and burning flesh flooded my senses. I couldn't see shit, everything was dark and what little I could see was crumbling before my eyes, contorting and twisting out of shape from a mixture of tears and lightheadedness, or maybe it was the illusion of heat the fire emitted. There was this twisting feeling in my stomach, my heart having told me long before this point to give up hope and accept your fate in this deteriorating mess, carnival of screams and blazing heat, but at the same time my brain pumping this seemingly endless amount of adrenaline into my skull, I needed to keep running, despite my inability to see an inch in front of my face, despite my rapidly decaying energy which made my limbs feel heavy and will to press onwards weak. I was crying now, not just crying, completely sobbing, not to mention lost as hell.

A firm grip on my shoulder shook me out of this violent daydream experience. My feet almost went under me as my arm was held, the hold was gentle but at the same time I wasn't going to escape it if I tried.

Little lost calf-- Dream Smp Minors x Mooshroom Hybrid Minor ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now